Gregor Maier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If who have Windows machine as you said above you may also want to enter this
> information in the WINDOWS-DIR\hosts file.

Um, well, that might not hurt, but the purpose here was to make ftpd not take
so long to start talking to the client (the windows machine is the client, as
I recall - hope that's still right ;-).

Now, if ftpd (the server) is checking to see if the name it finds
using the reverse lookup (addr to name lookup) matches the name
the client knows itself by, then maybe putting the names in the 
windows hosts file will help, maybe not...

(One question I probably should have asked is - does telnet show the
same delay upon startup?  That's a pretty good indication that reverse
lookups are involved.)

Oh, well, enough blather from me ;-)  (And probably too much side comments ;-)


Rusty E. Carruth       Email:     [EMAIL PROTECTED] or [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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