Did you try the tulip.o module.  That is what works on my Netgear card.

I have not tried this on Mandrake 8.0, but on the other systems I run, a

modprobe tulip.o



On Thu, 9 Aug 2001, Rusty Carruth wrote:

> A friend of mine bought some NetGear ethernet cards, FA311 Fast
> Ethernet PCI card, to be precise, and I'm trying to get one to
> work on his linux box.
> Its LM7.2 on the box, on a PII/200 w/32M ram.
> The card comes with a disk with instructions on how to
> make it work for Red Hat, so I tried them and it almost
> worked - I had to use a different compile command
> than I'd expected.  Then I copied the .o to the
> appropriate place in my /lib/modules directory and
> rebooted.
> And got loads of 'undefined' references.
> SO, it looks like its finally time to get the module creation
> process understood.
> 1 - where do I go look for docs on that.
> 2 - has anyone made the NetGear FA311 card work under Mandrake?
>       How?
> thanks!
> rc
> Rusty E. Carruth       Email:     [EMAIL PROTECTED] or [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Voice: (480) 345-3621  SnailMail: Schlumberger ATE                   ___
> FAX:   (480) 345-8793             7855 S. River Parkway, Suite 116   \e/
> Ham: N7IKQ @ 146.82+,pl 162.2     Tempe, AZ 85284-1825                V
> ICBM: 33 20' 44"N   111 53' 47"W  http://tuxedo.org/~esr/ecsl/index.html

 | Sheldon E. Newhouse            |    e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]           |
 | Mathematics Department         |                                        |
 | Michigan State University      | telephone: 517-355-9684                |
 | E. Lansing, MI 48824-1027 USA  |       FAX: 517-432-1562                |

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