Jose M. Sanchez wrote:
> When I query the rpm database or try to install some package I get this
> error:
> (Mandrake 8.0)

> -------------------------------------------------------------
> $ rpm -qa | grep gimp
> libgimp1.2_1-1.2.1-5mdk
> memory alloc (3111982304 bytes) returned NULL.
> $
> -------------------------------------------------------------
> any ideas?
> I don't want to re-install..

> The question is what caused this?
> RPM or grep?
> Try RPM -qa by itself...

In 7.1, when I do:

        rpm -q cdrecord*

output is:

        package cdrecord* is not installed

But when I do:

        rpm -qa | grep cdrecord

output is:


What's wrong with the first syntax?

What is the cdda2wav package?
"Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is
wholly inadequate to the government of any other."
                                                President John Adams

Felix Miata  ***

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