Hi all,

i'm trying to use the win95 keys on my keyboard do to something useful.

I already manages to change the console kmap so that the Start / Menu key
(keycode 127) is used as compose key.

Unfortunaly I wasn't able to do so under X (XFree 4.something).
I tried playing with Xmodmap but couldn't figure out how to do it. I know that
it is also possible to do this in the XF86Config-4 file but that didn't work
either (and I prefer changing Xmodmap).

My questions:
- How can make the Win95 key (or any other key whose keycode is known) the
compose key under LM8.0 using Xmodmap (where's the global Xmodmap file anyway??)

- Is it possible to fake the keys on a left-hand-keys sun keyboard (like bring
the window under the cursoer to the front if FRONT key is pressed, PASTE key
(behaves like the middle mousebutton when pasting text), ...)
I would like to bind such a function to another win95 key. How can this be done
with xmodmap.

Thanks in advance


E-Mail: Gregor Maier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 03-Sep-2001
Time: 10:38:38

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