jipe wrote:

> bascule wrote:
>> thanks jipe,
>> still reading up on echo to try and understand your line:
>> IFS=$(echo -e "\n\r\t")
>> the '-q O' is in fact a '-q 0', perhaps your font makes them look 
>> similar?
>> On Saturday 15 September 2001 2:25 am, you wrote:
>>> but r u sure about -q O? the version i run doesn't accept
>>> them....(lame-3.22b-1)
>> bascule
> in that case, by setting this environmental variable, i allow the 
> script to use filenames with spaces or other characters. especially 
> when reading the ouput  of ls *.wav. try it with or without this line 
> and you'll  see the difference.
> better than all explanations that i could give to you (with my 
> approximative english!), look at this url for more explanations about 
> bash scripting in general and IFS in particular:
> www.linuxdoc.org/LDP/abs/html/
> this kind of script runs fine for me, and can be used in other ways 
> (with adaptations), like mp3->wav conversion, or integrated in another 
> script,for exemple to burn a cdaudio directly from mp3 files.... etc etc
> bye
> jipe
seen other messages where u ask about echo -e "\n\r\t" so i'll try to 
IFS is a variable for internal field separator
IFS will be the result of echo -e:
   with \n -> new-line
   with \r -> carriage-return
   with \t -> tab
it's more than what u need, but i do my scripts so that i can use them 
in other ways by only editing them, replacing the fields that have to be 
replaced and then saving as.... i'm so lazy....


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