thankyou mam :-),

That brings up another question I have been meaning to ask,,,

mod_perl, I have it runing, how do I use it ??? I have lots of scripts in my
cgi-bin, what do I have to do to get the full advantage of mod_perl?? I know
there is a perl directory in /var/www do I put my scripts in that??  if so,
how to I access them in relation to the cgi-bin? I have some rather large
shopping cart scripts in there that I would like to get running as fast as
possible... anything helps, this one in particular is about 15000 lines of
code all up including libs, so it can have small periods of lag while

luckily thats not that noticable due to the nature of the web, which makes
downlaoding and rendering the html cover that lag nicely... but still I
would like to speed it up where I may, (one thing I am doing is converting
the delimeted txt files into a mysql database, but anything else I can do to
make this thing faster would be nice...

can anyone give me a small simple explanation that doesnt involve RTFM ?? I
have given it a cursory glance but I'd like to know if its worth my studying
in detail, I have my head in alot of different pies right now and have to be
choosy about that which I chose to ram my consciousness into.... :-)



-----Original Message-----
From: Patricia Ballad [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, 3 October 2001 2:03 AM
Subject: RE: [expert] programmin n stuff..


The Java in a nutshell is a more down and dirty Java book, I have only
dabbled in Java so I am concentraiting on C++ as I imagine that completing
my java knowledge will be easier with C++ down pat.. (not that anyone ever
stops learning a programming language..)

This is an accurate assumption, as Java's syntax is loosely based on C++.
As is Perl's for that matter....I would also recommend getting more of a C++
reference book that can fill in the gaps left by the 24 hr. book.


I still have perl, which is my first love.. if I knew a way to make perl
binaries I would probably stick with that..

One question I always had is this:  Perl is an inturpreted language, and its
compiled by the inturpreter at run time...

Why can perl not be precompiled to give it a speed improvement over running
as scritps... that would give it the best of both worlds, run it interpreted
while in developement, then when you got it right, compile it... i always
wondered why that is not done..... would not the speed improvment in this
bring it closer in performance to C++ ??? I know it would probably never be
able to be as fast, but surely alot faster then it is now..

for example, a perl cgi script that was precompiled would be heaps faster
then the scripts I am using now, (which are not slow by cgi standards, but
still not lightning fast...

I believe this is how Apache's mod_perl works - precompiles the perl into
bytecode which can then be interpreted at runtime much faster than
interpreting the actual Perl code.  This is also how the Java Virtual
Machine works, allowing it to run on any platform w/ a VM.

Good luck with C++ and try not to get too frustrated.  It tends to be a much
stricter language than Perl, but it allows you the power to do some things
that are just painful in Perl.

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Guy McArthur
Sent: Wednesday, 3 October 2001 1:11 AM
Subject: Re: [expert]

There are some good free resources for learning java on the web:

Thinking In Java, in Html, Word and PDF:

The Java Tutorial

If you're coming from C/C++ I'd recommend getting "Java In A Nutshell" by
David Flanagan, otherwise Just Java 2 by Peter Van der Linden.

Guy McArthur * email{[EMAIL PROTECTED]} http{}

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