well, if you are using postfix, go to /etc/postfix and edit main.cf

that file is very heavily commented, so just reading it is usually enough to
understand what you need to do..

also, postfix.org has links to heaps of pages, lists of error messages with
explanations on how to fix them, and lots of more technical stuff...

basically, you have to setup:


mydomain=mydomain.com (this will be detected if you don't add it..)
inet_interfaces = all
mydestination=(put your domain names that you are collecting for here.)
mynetworks=(a big list of all the Ip's and/or blocks that you want postfix
to listen on.)
relay_host=(if you are handing mail to an ISP mail server, put them here..)

That will get the basics happening...

If you want to do some redirection and address rewriting happening, then add

virtual_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/virtual

then create a file called virtual if you don't already have one, and in that
you can put redirections to other domains that you listen for that you want
to go to another external domain, (ie I collect for many domains and
redirect the mail to outside domains,, that file will probably already
exist, and if so it will be commented.. so read the comments.

do the same except change instances of virtual with canonical (ie
canonical_maps=...../canonical if you want to rewrite the headers,, so that
mail that from [EMAIL PROTECTED] goes though and gets rewritten to being from

aliases is in /etc/postfix and that is used to deliver mail to local uses,,
in there you can redirect local mail to other mail accounts, (like having
all mail for root delivered to local user foo, and having mail for foo
directed to an external ISP mail account.... aliases is for stuff to do with
local users..

the commands you want to use to update stuff...

to start/stop/restart/reload/status of postfix:
service postfix start/stop/reload..... (only chose one, ie start or restart
or reload, you get the idea.)

to update your aliases database, (do this after making changes...)
postalias /etc/postfix/aliases

to update virtual or canonical mapping DB:
postmap /etc/postfix/canonical
postmap /etc/postfix/virtual

once you have done that, issue a reload to get things happening straight

service postfix reload

I think there is some other stuff to do if you have a dynamic IP dial up

you have to add:

defer_transport = smtp

and then put the command:

/usr/sbin/sendmail -q

in your /etc/ppp/ip-up.local file

that way, all mail sent is queued until you are connected to the internet...

That should be enough to get you started, I learned all this from reading
all the docs, and web pages, and I joined the postfix mailing list, (don't
join and ask questions that you could get the answers to from the docs, or
you will get flamed with lots of RTFM messages...)



PS, if you still have trouble, tell us what the problems are, and run this
command and email the output to the lost..

postconf -n

That will give a summary of your settings enabling us to see potential

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Theo Brinkman
Sent: Wednesday, 3 October 2001 7:46 AM
Subject: Re: [expert] Sendmail or Postfix config help

Well, I'm trying to set the system to serve mail for a domain.  I've
tried adding an alias through webmin, and sending the address a test
message, but I get a 550 message saying the user doesn't exist.

    - Theo

Mark Weaver wrote:

>Theo Brinkman wrote:
>>Hello.  Can anybody out there help me get either sendmail or postfix set
>>up?  or point me to a tutorial?  or point me to instructions to do it
>>using webmin?
>>    - Theo
>>  ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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>specifically, what is it you want to do cause Sendmail and Postfix both
>work pretty much right out of the box?
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