Hello experts!
    I'm writing again about realserver; this time it's about how to 
stream a playlist.  I've been looking around at different formats that 
real server handles (.ram, .m3u, .smi) and the common thread that I've 
noticed is that each of these has to have the FULL path to each mp3 
listed that you want to stream.  Now this is for a home network where I 
would like to be able to sit at any of the computers, pull up real 
player, pick a playlist and start listening; however, I have over 500 
mp3's on my local server - that's a lot of hand editing.

I can ls the directory and output to the file I need, but getting the 
rest of the path added to each line has got me stumped.  Is there a 
program that can handle this task?  I've been looking at sed and awk, 
but I'm a little bit confused as to how to use them.

TIA, Mike 

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