Here we go again!  Just rebooted and tried to burn a CD.  It failed - even 
though I am using supermount, it failed to mount the CDROM so it failed. I 
then tried again AFTER mounting the CD that I wanted to copy.  No worky.  The 
CDRW has a constant, blinking activity light and it is now impossible to 
remove the blank without rebooting.  Upon trying to burn it again after 
mounting the CD with the image I wanted to burn, I get this message (in 

 Cdrecord 1.10 (i586-mandrake-linux-gnu) Copyright (C) 1995-2001 Jörg 
TOC Type: 1 = CD-ROM
Using libscg version 'schily-0.5'
atapi: 1
Device type    : Removable CD-ROM
Version        : 0
Response Format: 1
Vendor_info    : 'TEAC    '
Identifikation : 'CD-W54E         '
Revision       : '1.1A'
Device seems to be: Generic CD-ROM.
scsidev: '1,0,0'
scsibus: 1 target: 0 lun: 0
Linux sg driver version: 3.1.20
/usr/bin/cdrecord: Sorry, no CD/DVD-Recorder or unsupported CD/DVD-Recorder 
found on this target.

WRONG!  The CDRW did not change magically into a normal CDROM, it is STILL a 
CDRW.  Is this the way that linux normally handles CD-RWs?  I have used linux 
for several years now and only recently started in with CD-RWs.  This is new 
to me but I must say that there is something seriously wrong here in the way 
it is treating the drive, and the way it makes it impossible to use or open 
the drive after a failure to copy or burn a CD.  

I start kpm to see if there is a process associated with the drive that might 
explain the neverending blinking activity light but I see nothing obvious - 
so I can't kill the damn thing.  I am stuck with having to reboot yet again.

Someone toss me a bone here please.

On Friday 09 November 2001 06:35 pm, you wrote:
> This is driving me mad!  I have a Teac cd-rw set as the slave to my cdrom
> master.  MOST of the time I am unable to burn CDs, I get messages that the
> device isn't scsi or it has the wrong driver but once in a while I am able
> to burn a CD, but then no more.
> I just burned a CD, for instance, direct CD-to-CDRW.  It worked.  I then
> removed the source CD and the newly burned CD and replaced them with the
> next source CD and blank CD in the burner.  I try to burn this and now,
> magically, I get this error:
> scsidev: '1,0,0'
> scsibus: 1 target: 0 lun: 0
> Linux sg driver version: 3.1.20
> /usr/bin/cdrecord: Sorry, no CD/DVD-Recorder or unsupported CD/DVD-Recorder
> found on this target.
> Bullcrap!  IT IS A BURNER.  The damn activity light is flashing and
> flashing and flashing too and will not stop.  I cannot open the drive and
> remove the blank.  The ONLY way I can get the damn drive to give me the
> blank CD in it and try again to burn onto a new disk is to reboot.  Very
> windoze.
> Is there some magic that I am unaware of that is needed to be done on my
> computer to make a CD-RW work all the time rather than once in a blue moon?
> In lilo, I have:
> append=" hde=ide-scsi devfs=mount quiet"
> so that scsi emulation is used for the drive and it works once in a while,
> it seems (and the ide-scsi module is loaded).
> Someone, before I take a frickin' bat to my CDRW, please tell me what is
> the trick to getting CDs to burn in a simple burner?!  I am about to reboot
> AGAIN to get the blank out of it.
> praedor

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