On Tue, 2001-11-20 at 20:25, Brian Schroeder wrote:
> I asked for help on this problem once before, but, unforutunately,
> no one felt qualified to respond.  So on behalf of my hair, which
> doesn't want to be torn out, if anyone can enlighten me on this I
> would appreciate it.
> Any PHP-based app which wants to access a MySQL database fails at
> the first hurdle with this error:
> Fatal error: Call to undefined function: mysql_connect() in ...php
> This is in both mdk 8.0 and 8.1.
> My config includes:
> apache-1.3.20-3mdk
> apache-common-1.3.20-3mdk
> apache-modules-1.3.20-3mdk
> apache-mod_perl-1.3.20_1.25_01-3mdk
> apache-conf-1.3.20-3mdk
> php-mysql-4.0.6-3mdk
> mod_php-4.0.6-5mdk
> php-common-4.0.6-5mdk
> php-devel-4.0.6-5mdk
> phpgroupware-0.9.12-2mdk
> php-readline-4.0.6-2mdk
> php-dba_gdbm_db3-4.0.6-4mdk
> php-4.0.6-5mdk
> php-pgsql-4.0.6-3mdk
> php-gd-4.0.6-2mdk
> MySQL-client-3.23.41-5mdk
> MySQL-3.23.41-5mdk
> MySQL-shared-3.23.41-5mdk
> kernel-2.4.13-8mdk

It looks to me like you are missing the php-mysql package. php-pgsql is
for PostgreSQL, I think.

My Aunt MAUREEN was a military advisor to IKE & TINA TURNER!!

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