Title: RE: [expert] problem with linux

I guess I should clarify this statement.

There is a serious lack (read: nonexistant) of professional MIDI/Audio recording software for Linux. There is little, if any support for Linux from MIDI/audio hardware manufacturers. Basically, I need to keep Win98SE for music recording as there is nothing that compares to Cakewalk Pro Audio 9/Cubase VST 5 for Linux. I have managet to get SoundForge 4.5 running under Wine, and, oddly, the monster soft-synth Reaktor works under wine as well.

Windows still slaughter's Linux in this area, I'm afraid. I have, however, seen that there is some progress in this area with Demudi. But still, there are no apps available that meet my demands.

-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Badran [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2001 11:21 AM
Subject: Re: [expert] problem with linux

Hash: SHA1

On Tuesday 27 Nov 2001 4:04 pm, you wrote:
> The real problem with linux, for me anyways, is that I can't record music
> on it. Period.

This is one area that linux destroys windows on as far as i am concerned.
Just take grip - gets the names of the songs artists of a cd from the net,
transparently, Records them to your choice of ogg/mp3 and they are there to
listen to, and tagged properly. I can also play the cd at the same time as it
is being copied. Its fast, it organises your collection into suitable
directories, it names your files properly, cleans up after itself, and doesnt
limit my choice of music player. What more can you want? Does windows support
DSP on the SBLive card? No, but linux does. Does windows now actually try and
lower the quality of digital ports on sound cards? Yes, but linux doesnt. I
cant think of a worse system for my music than windows.

- --
Tom "Tomahawk" Badran
Department of Computing, Imperial College
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