ForeveR wrote:

>Is it too cpmplicated question??
>Hej somebody from Mandrake please reply!!!!
>>I sent following w/o any response few days ago can somobedy read it and 
>>help if possible?
>>Thanks in advance
>>>Problem I have encountered was generated by new kernel (no matter which
>>>one - everyone) when I'm downloading the new kernels (offical one from
>>> than the network script on system startup fails already
>>>on 'lo' interface with comment "address familly not supported by kernel"
>>>which is strange because:
>>>1. Never seen before... (mandrake 7.0)
>>>2. When after trying to start all interfaces by hand with command:
>>>"ifconfig <if name>  up <IP>" it starts w/o problems and any error
>>>The same problem I have with new Red Hat distro...
>>>Again it is not a kernel conf problem cause I do it with the same way
>>>(for the network setting) for the years now...
>>>Any suggestion???
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Did you do a "make oldconfig"? or try to use the config from your old 
working kernel? Use that and then recompile. Your problems should be 
solved. I hope this helps

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