Many Thanks Stil, thats answerd 90 % of the questions' I'll alter the
bastille-netfilter script as you suggested

On Sun, 2002-01-06 at 11:54, Stilgherrian wrote:
> Assuming that the question relates to this posting:
> On Sun, Jan 06, 2002 at 10:50:38AM +0000, richard wrote:
> > Hi 
> > will this work
> > /sbin/iptables -A INPUT -p 93 -i eth1 -j ACCEPT
> This command ACCEPTs all IP protocol 93 traffic (yes, that's IPIP)
> which comes in on interface eth1. Hwoever, in the context of an
> addition to /sbin/bastille-netfilter, it sits where it's labelled
> "custom rules", and I'd be tempted to write it as:
>     ${IPTABLES} -A PUB_IN -p ipip -i eth1 -j ACCEPT
> Adding it to PUB_IN rather than INPUT seems to be to be a better
> fit with Bastille's logic.
> Whether this is sufficient for your specific task I couldn't tell you.
> I'm not personally familiar with the details of IPIP. And unfortunately
> I couldn't quite follow your description of your network.
> >From there on in, assuming that IPIP is decoded properly, yes, should
> just be coming out of tunl0 or bpq0 or whatever interfaces you've set
> up. Add rules to allow traffic between networks as appropriate. These
> go in the spot commented "If you have networks that route traffic..."
> An example might be to just let everything run transparently between an
> encrypted link and the internal network.
>     ${IPTABLES} -A FORWARD -i tunl0 -d -j ACCEPT
>     ${IPTABLES} -A FORWARD -i eth0 -o tunl0 -j ACCEPT
> (This is assuming that eth0 is the physical interface of the "internal"
> network, and that tunl0 is on eth1, your "outside" interface. The
> destination shown is meant to be an "internal" network. And it assumes
> you *do* want to let everything through like this.)
> If you haven't already done so, turn on packet logging for what's
> being blocked (set LOG_FAILURES="Y") and add rules to let thru what's
> being blocked.
> I realize I've gone fast thru that. Email me directly if you get
> stuck on the details. Or if you think I've got something wrong, also
> tell me. I'm skimming through this one and I have well have made a
> mistake.
> > I have been asking for help on both lists for 2 weeks , it seems that
> > unless your face fits , its a very private club
> It's also about how and when you ask. The guys with the real clue on
> bastille-linux-discuss have been busy getting a new release locked down,
> and then a bunch of the world closed down for a holiday season. Unless
> a question is pretty clear about the set-up, what's been put where
> exactly, and what information has been gathered so far, it'll all look
> too hard and no-one will bother.
> Not so much "private club" but "small pool of people to draw upon",
> none of whom get paid to do this. 
> > bg Richard
> > system now hacked as I cant put a firewall up without destroying the ip
> > tunnel,.
> > Strange that after I put my inet address as an example of what I was
> > trying to do , I had 2 people ftp'd in and played
> Doesn't seem strange to me, actually. Seems like *exactly* the sort of
> thing to expect. Using a real address in the examples, especially when
> it's being publically identified as a vulnerable set-uo, is just asking
> for trouble. Sorry, but the world's a nasty place.
> Stil
> -- 
> : Stilgherrian, Director of Operations,
> : Internet infrastructure services focussing on the essentials
> :
> : ARBN BN97858688, ABN 15 148 757 893
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