This works great on straight Mozilla, too.  

On Sunday 06 January 2002 03:31 pm, you wrote:
> For those interested. This was posted with no subject, inside another
> thread. I thought it was significant, so I'm re-posting it under it's
> own thread.
> This really does seem to work! My Netscape now starts in a couple of
> seconds, rather than lifetime it used to take.
> I have not looked at the code very deeply, only to verify that what was
> removed "appears" to be the debugging code, so I'm forwarding this along
> with the caveat that it's an unknown mod, and the user should be
> cautious. (IE: Use at your own risk!).
> James Sparenberg wrote:
> > All,
> >    In the intrest of speed I've managed to speed up the start of
> > Netscape 6.2.1 on my 8.1 boxen.  I was curious why it took so long to
> > start and why it started 4 copies (or seemed to) when I looked at ps
> > -ax  I did a trace of the sequence it ran and found out that in the
> > script the de-bugger seemed to my non programming mind
> > to still be on.  So I commented out most of the debugger code and
> > voila! 6.2.1 now starts almost instantly.  I've been running it this
> > way for about 3 weeks without a hitch so I thought I might send it to
> > all of you.  If it helps great.  Maybe someone who knows more than I
> > can tweak it even further.
> >
> > James
> >
> > Script attached.

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