"J. Craig Woods" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> At 01:52 PM 1/9/2002 +0000, M1k3 wrote:
> >As a seasoned Unix sysadmin (12+ years) I can't say this 
> >enough:  CLI-phobic users are the
> >sole reason for a system administrator's existence.  Period.
> You can't possibly really believe this statement, can you? It is such a 
> gross oversimplification that is does not deserve a response.

Yet you couldn't resist responding.  I stand by my assersion.  Without users 
needing data to conduct everyday business, there is no need for systems, and 
hence, no need for system administrators.  You may consider it an 
oversimplification, but try justifying your position with no one needing the 
data on your systems.

> I find myself 
> incredulous about your statement asserting your "12+ years" of UNIX SA.

Your prerogative.

> >The unrestrained snobbish rudeness of a couple of the people who have been
> >commenting on this thread is misguided.
> Not one of the responses rendered, mine included, could be characterized by 
> such exaggerated terminology. Some suggestions were made about some 
> alternative methods for doing things. Post the "rudeness" you found, and I 
> will be the first to acknowledge it.

I didn't specifically point you out, but I can accomdate you:

"Amen brother! This is good advise, and, not to be forgotten, while you 
are at it, do a man on "exportfs"."

The "suggestion" to do a man on exportfs wasn't rendered in a particularly 
polite fashion, and automatically assumed Ken hadn't.

"Well, if at all possible, let us try to keep those kind of questions, 
questions about beginners needing GUI tools, on the beginners list, and 
at least *fake* a semblance to this being an "expert" list."

The original question wasn't one of beginners needing GUI tools.  You made it 
one.  And your statement implies that conversations regarding GUI tools are 
beneath this list which, (a) is IMO incorrect, and (b) could have been 
expressed in a more diplomatic way.

> >It's a valid premise, and is not something to be brushed aside with the
> >rampant conceited elitism of the afore mentioned posters.  It belongs on
> >*all* the lists, and the "experts" would do well to heed it.
> This, again, is your opinion, and you have a right to post it here, as do 
> the posters who responded with there suggestions. As long as civility is 
> practiced, where is the harm? Again, your hyperbole does not impart 
> persuasion for your argument.

The key word here is "civility".  I've (rarely) detected an accute absence of 
it in some posts.

> >Those posters too wrapped up in their own "expertise" to contribute 
> >useful to the thread should either check their egos at the door and start
> >over or disengage.  I would also recommend that they take the time to study
> >the System Administrator's Guild Code of Ethics, particularly Canon 3.
> After my years in UNIX (no, I do not need to qualify this with a reference 
> to years in the profession), and my, more importantly, 2+ years on this 
> list, I have seen a lot more tolerance here than say some other lists, 
> especially for UNIX lists purported to be for experts. You are obviously a 
> new comer here, and before you feel the need to share your presumptuous 
> opinions, may I respectfully suggest that, instead of lurking, you do some 
> helping. We have!

You are correct that in most cases this is a tolerant list.  I wouldn't say 
it's more tolerant than others I've been on.  My time on the list is 
irrelevent, as is yours.  I will post suggestions when I think I can help.  
However, I will not presume to judge or comment on the worthiness of a 
question for this venue.

> Respectfully,
> J. Craig Woods
> -Art is the illusion of spontaneity-


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