On Thu Feb 07, 2002 at 03:01:42PM -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I've got apache 1.3.22 running with mod_ssl and a few different virtual
> hosts seperated as /www/htdocs/domains/{foo,bar}.org et al.
> I have an application that I'd like to run over SSL and make available to
> only one of the domains (foo.org), but not the others (bar.org et al),
> but I'd like the others to be covered by the default SnakeOil cert
> provided.
> To accomplish this, I added a VirtualHost for foo.org in the <IfModule
> mod_ssl.c> section underneath the pre-existing <VirtualHost _default_:443>
> VH whose SSLCertificateFile and SSLCertificateKeyFile paths point to the
> default keys for the SnakeOil cert and whose DocumentRoot is /www/htdocs/.
> In the foo.org VirtualHost, I've got <VirtualHost [my_ip]:443> set with
> the DocumentRoot of /www/htdocs/domains/foo.org and the paths to the 
> cert info set to /www/htdocs/domains/foo.org/server.{crt,key}.
> When apache starts, it prompts me for my passphrase for foo.org so
> I know it gets that far and it's reading those files.  The problem
> is that not only does https://foo.org/ssl_app work as it should, but
> https://bar.org/ssl_app works as well.  So it appears that the _default_
> VH isn't even getting read or that it is being overruled by the second
> VH, namely foo.org.  I thought it was the first VH that was more or less
> the catch all for any incoming requests that aren't for a domain that's
> got its own subsequent VH?
> I've tried everything I can think of and I'm at my wit's end.  Can
> anyone see or know what I'm doing wrong?  I'd sure appreciate any info
> anyone might have.

AFAIK, due to the nature of HTTPS, you need to have it on it's own IP
address if you want to diferentiate(sp?) between two different
domains.  Ie. foo.org would have to be and bar.org, then you would set foo.org VirtualHost and
likewise with bar.org.

The problem is that the SSL starts before any other info is
transmitted, so it cannot distinguish between hostnames prior to doing
the SSL encryption.  In other words, it tries to encrypt with the
server on the other end and the only way apache can tell one domain
from another is by the IP address associated with each.

It's really annoying and a real PITA, but you'll need seperate IPs for
every *different* SSL-enabled site you want.

MandrakeSoft Security; http://www.mandrakesecure.net/
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