Vincent Danen grabbed a keyboard and wrote:
> Now, why you don't want to use pam.  The pam authentication method
> should be used if you *don't* use passwd/shadow authentication.  For
> instance, you would use pam if you used LDAP to authenticate logins
> (may even work with NIS).  If you want to use pam and still
> authenticate against /etc/passwd (really, /etc/shadow), then you must
> change /etc/shadow from mode 0600 to mode 0644.  For some reason, SASL
> will always error out, and I suspect this is because it is trying to
> read /etc/shadow as the postfix user.  This is the same thing with the
> shadow method, which reads /etc/shadow directly.  I've verified that
> chmod'ing /etc/shadow to 0644 allows both pam and shadow to work
> (using Evolution as a test client).

Interesting.  I always thought that pam had it's own method of accessing 
the password file.  Thanks for the information.

> Unfortunately, that sucks and is very very insecure.  /etc/shadow must
> not be anything other than 600 as that defies it's whole purpose.  Now
> *why*, when using pam method, this is required I don't know.  There
> must be something wrong in the SASL libs for this to be a requirement
> (although searching some archives on the postfix ml, everyone seems to
> have this issue).  Note, I haven't tried it with pam using something
> other than the system passwd file (ie. didn't test against LDAP/NIS,
> etc.).

One of the things mentioned at a web site I found describing using AUTH in 
postifix was that if you were going to use the "pwcheck_method: shadow" 
style was that they recommended that you set /etc/shadow as mode 640 and 
then change its group to a group that the postfix user belonged to.  That 
way, postfix could read the file.  I suspect that it would work that way as 
well WRT what you describe above (you don't need to go 644, which I agree 
is *horrible* from a security standpoint).

> Now, for your case, you want to use pwcheck method.  /usr/sbin/pwcheck
> is a daemon, run as root, that acts as a go-between between postfix
> and /etc/shadow.  There is no initscript for it, and pwcheck launches
> itself into the backgroun, so you can just add to the end of
> /etc/rc.d/rc.local "/usr/sbin/pwcheck".  For testing, change your
> smtpd.conf to pwcheck and just run /usr/sbin/pwcheck on the cmdline as
> root.

I will try that and let you know what happens.

> > Heck, I even tried setting "pwcheck_method: sasldb" instead, ran saslpasswd
> > to create a user account, and the flipping thing *still* aborted when I
> > connected to the SMTP port on my machine with sasl turned on.  Argh.
> Did you restart postfix after making this change?

Yea, I sure did.  "/etc/init.d/postfix restart" after various changes.  I 
wanted to be sure that nothing was being cached without my knowledge.

> If so, what kind of errors are you getting in your logs? 

When I connect to port 25 after doing the restart, I get the exact same 
error messages I've listed in this thread before.  No variation at all.

> If you run sasldblistusers as root, what does it say?

# sasldblistusers
user: mrobin realm: {myhost} mech: DIGEST-MD5
user: mrobin realm: {myhost} mech: PLAIN
user: mrobin realm: {myhost} mech: CRAM-MD5

"mrobin" is a friend of mine who I'm trying to give relay access to. :-)

> > Any ideas?
> I think pwcheck is your best bet for what you want.  Please try that.
> Make sure you completely restart postfix after you change your
> smtpd.conf... I don't know if it caches the contents of that file or
> not, but I did notice in my testing that it seemed to be required.

Like I said above, I did issue a restart rather than reload command.  Heck, 
I even restarted saslauthd each time as well, just in case.

> Also, you can read 
> which is "Enabling SASL support in postfix".  I'm pretty sure it's at
> least 99% accurate.  It also has links to two other how-to's I've
> found.

I will do that for sure.

> If, after all of this, it still doesn't work, then I can only assume
> you're cursed or something.  =)  Because I did verify that pam worked
> (with 644 /etc/shadow), shadow worked (with 644 /etc/shadow), sasldb
> worked (always has over here), and that pwcheck worked (happy 600
> perms on /etc/shadow).

Oh great, I'll go down in history.

User:  "I can't get this $#@!ing thing to work!"

Support:  "You must have the Curse Of Dave."


ARGH!!!  Just to try it out before sending this off, I tried setting pam 
again (because it was quicker at this point) and changed /etc/shadow to 
mode 644.  I did a restart of both saslauthd and postfix.  I connected to 
the SMTP port, and the flipping thing *still* errors.  As usual, in the 
syslog, I see:

postfix/smtpd[18867]: fatal: SASL per-process initialization failed
postfix/master[18842]: warning: process /usr/lib/postfix/smtpd pid 18867 
    exit status 1
postfix/master[18842]: warning: /usr/lib/postfix/smtpd: bad command startup 
    -- throttling

Why doesn't this thing like me? :-/

Do your SASL / Postfix people have any other ideas why this is refusing to 
work?  Why do I keep getting this error?  Even when I make the shadow file 
readable by the world, I keep getting that error...  Do they have any idea 
why the "per-process" initialization would fail, no matter what I do with 
the configuration?

      David Guntner      GEnie: Just say NO! or key server
                 for PGP Public key

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