On 26 Mar 2002, Ric Tibbetts wrote:

> Average charge per new releass:
> $69.00 per release. x 2 realeases per year.     $138.00
> Shipping:  $15.00 per boxed set                         30.00
> "The Club"
> $10 per month x 12
> (Remember, you need to belong to the
>  $10 per month club to get Staroffice 6.0)     120.00
>                                               ---------
> Cost of Mandrake, per year:                   $288.00

Hi Ric:
  I know it seems wrong that what was once entirely free is now nickled
  and dimed to become seemingly as expensive as other offerings. I see
  it this way though:

  Cost of OS from CompUSA    $30   US
    I don't buy every release, but have bought 7.2, 8.0, and 8.1.
        I have maybe 10 PCs throughout my house and business and this $30
        is legally able to installed on every one of those. Windows allowed
        a desktop/laptop to be installed. WinXP has much greater

  StarOffice, never bought it, but say it's $60. That's still comparable
  to the price of MS Works or other integrated packages. If you don't
  want to pay that much, how about OpenOffice or a combination of other
  packages such as AbiWord, Gnumeric, Kpresenter, etc.?

  Support? I have used Microsoft enterprise support contracts. At one
  time I got a very knowledgeable tech support person who fixed the
  problem within a few minutes (this for a weird Excel problem with a
  huge 20M spredsheet). Other times I was bounced around and told the
  problem was Oracle's, or Compaqs, or that weekly reboots were needed.

  Compare the price to WinXP Professional (the only way you'll get a
  comparable toolset and server suite) and you'll find that Mandrake is
  a lot cheaper. This is without even adding up the prices for similar
  tools such as a photo editor, development suite, etc..

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