El vie, 05-04-2002 a las 12:07, Earle Jason escribió:
> Hello all!
> I'm having trouble with XFree86 4.2.0.  My box is a IBM 300PL with an embedded S3 
> 3D graphics card.  I blew it away and installed Mandrake 8.2 -- no problems.  I then 
> upgraded to XFree86 4.2.0 (it was using 3.3.6 or something - why such an old version 
> a brand new release?)
> Anyways, after tweaking XF86Config-4, my hardware seems to be recognized OK... I get 
> a nice grey X-windowey screen with a window in the middle that says "welcome to <my 
> computer name here>" and prompts for a login and password, as well as which window 
> manager I'd like to use.
> Here's where it deviates from normal: No matter what window manager I choose, 
> whenver I log in, the machine thinks for about 5 seconds, then gives me a new window 
> at the top titled "Session Menu" and with a line that says 
> There are 5 buttons listed: "Load Session", "Delete Session", "Break Lock", 
> "default/Fail Safe", and "Cancel", and all but the last 2 options are greyed out.  
> matter which I press (or even if I click on "chooseSessionListWidget"), I get dumped 
> back to the login prompt. No KDE for me. :(
> One other weird thing: There's an xterm session at the bottom right of the screen 
> says "Console Log for <my computer domain here>, but I can't interact with it at 
> (except to scroll up and down, but that's useless as there's only 1 line...)
> That TOTALLY doesn't jive with my /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc file, which should be 
> like 3 xterms and one xclock. (I don't have any .xinitrc files, so that should be 
> right?)
> Also, I did look into the archives - someone had the same problem in November of 
> but I didn't find the response to be very pertinent to the problem.  Can anyone out 
> shed some light on this?
> Thanks for whatever help you can offer...
> -Jason
> Jason Earle
> Booz | Allen | Hamilton

can you go into kde by booting to runlevel 3 and doing a startx?
probably a kdm misconfiguration issue. if you manage to get in a GUI,
use mandrake contro center and reconfigure your login prompts.



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