On Fri, 12 Apr 2002 01:35:03 -0500 David Rankin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

A *quick* "mayday" response while I think on it...

This can happen when you have a symlink that points back [in]to the parent
directory.  So you end up copying that directory/file recursively over and
over until...

"du -s /mnt/tripod/rbpllcbackup/*" should give you a clue which path to


> Help!!
>       I think I killed it! LM 7.2. I was dorking around with a backup
>       script
> and I innocently made a few modification and I filled the / partition up
> to the MAX. Specifically, df showed the following (before and after):
> [david@Nemesis david]$ df
> Filesystem           1k-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
> /dev/hda1               241116     94480    134188  41% /
> /dev/hda8             22580208    613160  20820012   3% /home
> /dev/hda6              3020140    921856   1944868  32% /usr
> /dev/hda7             18081960     65116  17098332   0% /var
> /proc/bus/usb          4520490   4520490         0 100% /proc/bus/usb
> [root@Nemesis david]# df
> Filesystem           1k-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
> /dev/hda1               241116    241116         0 100% /
> /dev/hda8             22580208    613940  20819232   3% /home
> /dev/hda6              3020140    921856   1944868  32% /usr
> /dev/hda7             18081960     65116  17098332   0% /var
> /proc/bus/usb          4520490   4520490         0 100% /proc/bus/usb
>       Somehow I lost 134 Megs on the / mount point??? Where in the Sam
>       Hill
> did it go? I've looked and I can't find it (#$#%%^) The modified script
> I ran was as follows:
> echo \
> echo Starting Rankin*Bertin, PLLC Backup......
> echo \
> smbmount  //tripod/c /mnt/tripod -o password=xxxxxxxx
> cp -Ruvf /home/samba/rbpllc /mnt/tripod/rbpllcbackup > /home/david/log
> umount /mnt/tripod
>       Oh, it freaking died in the cp action and never got to "umount
> /mnt/tripod"
>       The echo \ was all that was added in trying to put line feeds in
>       the
> script. (I now know that doesn't do it....) The log file is no help.
>       Anyway, I have looked and looked for some file that I created that
>       was
> over 50M but I can't find shi%. Oh, I've found "core" and "kcore" but I
> don't think those memory files are doing it. Are they?????
>       Help!!! Am I screwed? Did I do something really really bad? How do
>       I
> get my 134M back? Where in the hell is the file I created that sucked
> all my disk space up?
>       Uh...., it goes without saying that any help will be GREATLY
> aprectiated!
> -- 
> David C. Rankin, J.D., P.E.
> ASEL -- Instrument
> Nacogdoches, Texas
> N31 34.7 W094 42.6
> 355 MSL

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