>On 7 Apr 2002, Ric Tibbetts wrote:
>>Ok, not exactly on topic, but I'm hoping that someone here will know
>>this one.
>>I'm trying to play DVD's with xine. It plays mpegs ok, but I get the
>>following error on DVDs:
>>There is no available plugin to handle
>>      dvd://video_ts.vob
>>I've checked the home page for xine looking for answers, an found
>>nothing. Can someone point me to an answer for this?
>Since you posted this I'm assuming that you found the other pages to the
>different demuxers. I'm curious as to what sort of performance you're
>getting and what are your hardware specs. My laptop has a P/400 but
>video is too jerky to be watchable. It runs fine on an Athlon 900
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To the original question:

Xine does not have a decoder for the Content Scrambling System because 
MPAA won't license any open-source decoder.  If you look around the web 
with the search key "DeCSS"  you will learn about greedy corporations, 
bought and paid-for laws, and the fact that LinDVD is unavailable except 
to OEMs for hardware-specific cases, and that PowerDVD just doesn't work 
that well.

Either buy a decoder card (the Dxr2 from Creative is supported) or make 
a decision to be an outlaw and download the source for DeCSS and compile 
it as a plug-in for Xine or abandon the idea of playing encrypted DVDs.

PowerDVD, a system for windows, I have tried.  It is licensed by MPAA, 
and on a 1G Athlon with 256M RAM and a good interface, it still gave 
jerky motion.  PowerDVD for linux does not appear to work at all.


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