On Wed, 24 Apr 2002 04:53:06 -0400 Brian York <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Is their a way to restrict the amount of network and other resource 
> usage that a user on a remote computer can use?


1. http://www.chronox.de/ Uses kernel features

2. http://snad.ncsl.nist.gov/itg/nistnet/  This can be run on a separate
box, or on and "end-node" and setup to restrict traffic.  It's intended to
test the impact of network restrictions and degradations; but should work
to emulate a 200kbps link.

3. Use Python's SocketServer.Forking{TCP,UDP}Server modules and insert a
delay between in/out (semi-kidding...  hopefully, you didn't need to read
this far... :^)


> Reason: I am on a lan at my college and i share 30 GB of music and 10 GB
> fo software. During a typical day i can be sending 500KB/s of data. I 
> would rather this be around 200KB/s because it kills my connection and 
> can slow down my hard drive (only one HD would be fine if i had another 
> one). for my shares i use a guest account "pcguest" so reduing resorce 
> usage is only going to affect people connected to me to download music.
> Thanks
> Brian

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