From:                   "Vincent A. Primavera" 
To:                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date sent:              24 Apr 2002 13:46:50 +0000
Send reply to:          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:                [expert] KDE 3 and Konsole...

It's a known problem.
Look at the mandrake page

or in one of the read me's in the kde download section.

The "solution"

KDE 2.2.2 and KDE 3.0 have conflicting menu entries for Konsole. 
When Konsole is launched from kicker (the panel), kicker freezes 
until konsole is being closed. To workaround this, remove the 
Konsole button from kicker, and create manually an icon on the 
desktop which launches konsole.

> Hello,
>  I recently(today) installed KDE 3.0.1.  So far everything looks O.K.
> except that I receive the error listed below when I close Konsole.
> Also, when runnning, Konsole seems to lock up the taskbar.  Here's the
> error:
> KDEInit could not launch 'konsole-noxft'
>  Any ideas?
>  Vincent A. Primavera

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