Es Dissabte 08 Juny 2002 03:04, en Phil va escriure:
> Hello All,
> Forgive me for asking this question yet again; there must be an answer,
> surely.
> My Kodak DC3400 camera is auto-detected by gphoto2 correctly as being
> connected to the USB port. Yet when I try to use the camera an error
> message tells me that the USB port is busy.
Try to use it as root.  If that works you have to add your user to the "usb" 
group, log out and log in and try again...

If it doesn't I suggest you to visit and join their mailing 

   Joan Tur. Eivissa-Balears
   AOL quini2k  ICQ 11407395
 Linux: usuari registrat 190.783

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