On Sun, 2002-06-23 at 05:25, Joan Tur wrote:
> Here's my /etc/sysconfig/desktop file:
> DESKTOP="Gnome"

This particular file/setting determines which display manager to use,
either kdm or gdm. You are obviously set to use the Gnome display
manager, gdm. Change it to say "KDE" and it will use kdm instead.

As for your actual problem, I don't really have any advice except to
check /var/log/message and to run dmesg, which shows messages from the
last time you booted your system. This could help if your system is
generating any errors at the hardware/driver level.

Dave Sherman               Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, 
MCSE, MCSA, CCNA             for you are crunchy,
                             and good with ketchup.
"lynx -source http://sildara.dyndns.org/davepub.asc | gpg --import"

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