Quick way to check for a rootkit.   urpmi chkrootkit. Then when it's
installed run it. Note...... if the hacker is sophisticated at all they
may have changed your ls and other basic utilties.  If chrootkit comes
up negative, and you want to be positive about the results, go to
another box that you know to be secure, and copy the following files
into a directory .chkrootkit/bin

awk  cut  echo  egrep  find  head  id  ls  netstat  ps  sed  strings 

(remember get ones from a box you know isn't' compromised)  cp or ln -s
your chkrootkit binaries into this your .chkrootkit directory they are 

check_wtmpx  chklastlog  chkproc  chkrootkit  chkwtmp  ifpromisc 

To run this they all need to be in the same directory together.  make
sure everything is at least 700 in permissions then run. 

cd /location/of/chkrootkit/.chkrootkit/
./chkrootkit -q -p /location/of/directory/.chkrootkit/bin (has to be
full path name)

the q means run quiet and supress unneeded reporting to the screen 
the p means use the utilities in this directory only. 

 If they every again break into your box you can be pretty dang
confident they won't know about or change these utilities.  Just to be
sure I added to /etc/cron.daily/slocate.cron the path to my .chkrootkit
directory so that a locate command doesn't show it as existing. 

At this point if it shows clean you probably don't have a root kit ....
but you may be rooted.  Change ALL passwords immediately. Then start
checking other ways for crackers to get in.  I highly recommend running
this as a cronjob at least daily.  It may not hit everything but it will
check the most common kiddy tools.  

Then take this IP number put it in  /etc/ftpaccess and deny access to
the ipnumber or block if you'd like.  (see man ftpaccess for more info) 
This will for the moment block that IP from ftp access. (it won't stop
it forever but it will give you time to do a more complete check.) 

Last .. once you are sure you are buttoned up again, and are sure the
box is resecured.  Install tripwire or some other detection tool.  It's
worth it.


On Thu, 27 Jun 2002 16:49:31 -0500
David Rankin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said with temporary authority

> Guys, Gals:
>     It looks like I may have been sucessfully hacked! I don't know and
>     I need your help to find out. I have had many fols test my
>     security, but nowone has gotten in until now. The following
>     appeared in a review of my syslog:
> Jun 17 23:52:57 Nemesis xinetd[27314]: START: ftp pid=26954
> from=
> Jun 17 23:52:59 Nemesis xinetd[26954]: USERID: ftp OTHER :root
> Jun 17 23:58:35 Nemesis xinetd[27314]: START: telnet pid=26963
> from=
> Jun 18 00:08:02 Nemesis xinetd[27314]: EXIT: ftp pid=26954
> duration=905(sec)
>     The 210 IP is some Korean address from the Asian Pacific Network.
>     My first question is does it look like a successful hack? Second
> question is, if so, what do I check to find out if they caused any
> harm, installed a root kit, etc....?
>     As always, thanks for any help you can provide.
> --
> David C. Rankin, J.D., P.E.
> 1329 N. University, Suite D4
> Nacogdoches, Texas 75961
> (936) 715-9333
> (936) 715-9339 fax

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