bash and msec level = 3

If I remember, I'll try using a different shell to see if that makes a 


et wrote:

>what shell are you using? (bash? korn?)  what Msec level are you at?
>On Wednesday 03 July 2002 01:35 pm, you wrote:
>>I've tried to query all of you gurus before regarding various hangs on
>>my system, but as far as I can tell, nobody has replied to my question.
>> So, I'll give it a go again.  I've read everything on the mailing list
>>that was written in the last three months about system hangs and freezes
>>with both 8.1 and 8.2, but none have addressed the problem that I have
>>been seeing.  Most have described complete system freezes where nothing
>>could be done besides a reboot, but what I am seeing is a bit different.
>>I have installed 8.2 on a Dell Precision 410 (Pentium III - 500).
>> Everything works fine for a while, and then within a period of 24 to 72
>>hours, the system develops a strange disregard for any terminal / shell
>>sessions.  Interestingly, I had a similar problem with 7.2 on the same
>>model machine, and it went away, but I have no idea what cured it.  The
>>strange thing about this is that any current terminal sessions that are
>>in progress have no problems, and I can do any normal command-line work
>>without problems.  If I am logged into a window manager such as KDE, I
>>also have no problem starting applications from icons as long as they do
>>not require a shell to begin or to work properly.  If I am using a shell
>>when this anomaly occurs, and I try to su to another user, it will try
>>to start another shell, but will hang.  At first I thought that the
>>problem might be related to something with the network.  But when I am
>>waiting for the hanging shell, I can browse the web, etc.  Another
>>interesting bit is that I can ssh into the machine, and will be given a
>>login prompt, but as soon as ssh tries to invoke a shell, the login hangs.
>>I am really at a loss as to what the problem might be.  It seems to be
>>related to shells acquiring a tty, but I'm not sure about that.  Now
>>that I think of it, next time this happens, if I have a terminal open,
>>I'll try to do a strace on a new shell session to see where the hangup
>>occurs.  Any other ideas would be greatly appreciated.  One other thing
>>that might be related is the fact that I've had problems shutting the
>>system down cleanly.  The entire shutdown process gets hung up when it
>>tries to umount the /net subdirectory.  I turned off amd, and so far
>>that seems to have helped, but I only made that change yesterday, so I
>>cannot be completely sure.
>>I'm not sure how experienced some people on this list are with deep
>>problems like this.  The silence from the last one leaves me to believe
>>that either nobody has a clue or that nobody is interested (because
>>nobody else has experienced the same problem -- at least nobody has
>>described the same problem).  Either way, if I figure it out, I'll try
>>to detail what the problem was and how to resolve it.
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