I have been using an old Tandberg QIC drive with some success for QIC carts.

I have a Travan or two in the junk box but I an loath to dig them out unless 
I have to.

The only trouble I have ever had with tape drives is non-standard lengths of 
carts. Linux has picked them up every time.

The carts are another matter, some work - some don't.

Jim Tarvid

On Thursday 11 July 2002 12:54 am, Lyvim Xaphir wrote:
> On Tue, 2002-07-09 at 21:46, Jim Tarvid wrote:
> > On Tuesday 09 July 2002 09:26 pm, you wrote:
> > > Anyone know any reason why I should NOT go buy a Travan, IDE ATAPI-base
> > > tape drive and use it for Mandrake?
> >
> > Only because they are ugly, unreliable and smell bad.
> >
> > If you overrule that advice --
> >
> > Buy two, make sure the carts interchange, and verify the backups by
> > loading them on a second machine.
> >
> > I used them for years on an old RedHat box. Got them to work fairly well
> > by twidling parameters. It felt good to look at the carts on the shelf,
> > but...
> >
> > I keep an old Debian box around for no other purpose than backing up
> > other servers. It has a CDRW so I can archive things in pieces. It has
> > saved my ass many times.
> >
> > Not once in 30 some years of computing has a tape been so kind.
> >
> > One of these days DVD-R media will be cheap. In the meantime, I keep
> > carving the world into 650MB pieces.
> >
> > Jim Tarvid
> Jim,
> I've got a bunch of tapes here that were originally done on a Colorado
> 1400.  They are DC-2120's (QIC 80) and some Verbatim MC3020's (QIC
> 3020).  The 1400 drive is long gone and I've got to get the data off of
> them; what would you recommend as far as the best model of compatible
> tape drive to get, so I can read them?  Would a Travan drive handle it
> or is there a better alternative?
> Also one of these Verbatims rewound to the end, and the tape snapped
> loose from the spool in the cartridge.  Is there a service out there
> that will retrieve the tape data that you know of?
> Thanks --
> LX

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