The POP3 service comes disabled as a default. Did you delete or comment
out the "disable = yes" line in /etc/xinetd.d/ipop3 to enable the pop3

You need to restart the xinetd service with "/etc/init.d/xinetd restart"
or send the send the xinetd process a SIGUSR2 signal for the change to
take effect. A reboot works too.


On Wed, 2002-07-17 at 12:16, Ryan wrote:
> I have sendmail working on my machine.  What I'd like to do is be able to 
> send email from work on my home account.  Comcast won't let me, because it 
> won't relay from my work machine.  My thought was that I could have 
> sendmail relay the email, so from Comcast's POV it looks like the email is 
> coming from inside.
> I can't get pop3d to work on my machine, but I thought setting the 
> Sendmail rules could work.
> In my etc/mail/access it says:
> {IP of work machine}    RELAY
> myname@      OK
> This doesn't work however.  Clues?  Otherways of doing this?  Suggestion 
> on why pop3d just doesn't seem to work for me?
> ----

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