On Wed, 2002-07-31 at 05:20, civileme wrote:
> Robert Grasso wrote:
> >Hello, 
> >
> >I am reporting strange problems with my Mandrake 8.2 installation on my
> >Intel PC - maybe the key is with devfsd (Mandrake version is
> >devfsd-1.3.25-1.1mdk). I am a 10-years Unix-user, and a 2 years
> >part-time Unix/Linux admin, but I really don't know devfsd. 
> >
> >So I have been reporting several symptoms for several weeks/months : 
> >- sometimes after logging, the OS partially hangs : ps -ef does not
> >complete, and I need to reboot 
> >- after the second reboot, the OS always works (I mean, ps -ef displays
> >completely); but always, I have 
> >
> >modprobe <defunct> 
> >
> >and this modprobe is the son of devfsd (which I unfortunately don't know
> >:-( 
> >BTW, the previous partial ps -ef never includes this modprobe <defunct>
> >
> >- in /var/log/messages, I always have at boot: 
> >devfsd: error calling: symlink in GLOBAL 
> >devfsd[70]: error calling: "unlink" in "GLOBAL" 
> >
> >Finally, one strange symptom, that I did not connect to devfsd at the
> >beginning : while scrolling with the wheel in galeon overloaded with
> >maybe 20 or 30 tabs in 6 windows (not konqueror or netscape or else)
> >regularly the session crashed, bringing me back to the login window, and
> >leaving on the virtual consoles (I have only two) a white
> >square/rectangle, 1 inch for each side nearly, including a fixed ugly
> >cursor arrow. Gradually, I became sure that that the wheel caused the
> >crash.
> >Today, I crashed the session while scrolling in evolution, moving the
> >wheel in evolution for the first time in the session, just the first
> >step of the forward move of the wheel; I just migrated to evolution
> >these days. 
> >
> >I spent today some time to try to go a bit deeper; I read the man pages
> >of devfsd and devfsd.conf, discovered the startup of devfsd in
> >/etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit and also the one in /etc/rc.d/init.d. As I did not
> >understand clearly the use of the former, I removed the symlink in
> >/etc/rc5.d and rebooted. 
> >
> >Now I seem to be able to scroll with the wheel as much as I want in
> >galeon and evolution, and the scroll even seems to be very light and
> >rapid. 
> >
> >Some more tests : devfsd, even  with the defunct modprobe, dies quietly
> >with pkill devfsd : and the defunct modprobe disappears ! Then I restart
> >it by hand (/sbin/devfsd /dev) and rerun /etc/rc.d/init.d/devfsd start
> >by hand : no modprobe defuncts !!! I don't understand ...
> >As devfsd is S99devfsd in /etc/rc5.d with some others (linuxconf,
> >medusa, local), I renumbered these so that devfsd is really the last one
> >: no use, I still got modprobe <defunct> ...
> >
> >Unfortunately, I did not see anything useful in the logs (/var/log).
> >
> >I browsed in Google, but I did not see anyone with my problem. 
> >Does somebody have an idea ? 
> >
> >I am pasting at the end my devfsd.conf : I commented in several USB
> >lines (what tool generated them ???) so it's now identical to the
> >original one from the rpm (excepted some spaces here and there)
> >
> >Best regards 
> >
> >
> >------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> >Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
> >Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com
> >
> devfsd is still very much bleeding edge...  Maybe this next go-round the 
> tide will turn, but someone has to get it tested and working because....
> There are USB memories (storage devices) and CDRWs and webcams and 
> scanners and mice that regularly get plugged in or removed in a hotswap 
> fashion.  hotplug is part of the answer, but devices have to ne made and 
> removed dynamically as well and that is the function of devfs.  There 
> are firewire hard drives that will soon need support, too.
> And all of that "fluff" to some of us is still vital to many users, and 
> it isn't all fluff, either.  If you want to build in a failover 
> capability, then the system has to be able to handle the hotswap of 
> drives, so even entry into mid-level servers is partially dependent on 
> devfs.
> OK, for the rest of it, I have no idea...  I am not able to reproduce 
> the messages or behavior on any of my 8.2 machines, so it is a good 
> question.  I have the following:
> 1.  Intel BP810 Chipset Celeron 466 128M 10G CDROM floppy, USB mouse and 
> keyboard (Yep a logo-removed barbie(tm))
> 2.  ASUS A7N266-VM Duron 1G 512M DDR 40G & 20G (RAIDed with dual-boot 
> fior win) PS/2 Kbd USB Optical wheelmouse CDRW/DVD
> 3.  Jetway 630TCF with 900MHz C3 192M SDRAM 20G Acer CDRW USB Optical 
> wheelmouse PS/2 kbd
> 4.  ECS K7S5A Voodoo5 5500 800MHz T-Bird 256M SDRAM PS/2 Optical 
> Wheelmouse and Kbd, CDRW
> 5.  Compaq Professional Workstation 5000 Twin 200MHz PPro 512K cache 
> matched step 160M RAM PS/2 Optical wheelmouse PS/2 Kbd, NEC PD drive, 2G 
> & 4G SCSI-UW drives.
> 6.  ECS P6VEM C3 733 256M PS/2 Mouse and Kbd 40G, LS120, CD
> 7.  IBM PC300GL PII-300 192MRAM 12G Wearnes CDRW PS/2 Optical 
> Wheelmouse, PS/2 Kbd  Intel LX type chipset with embedded CL video on 
> mainboard.
> Civileme
> And if you would care to actually paste devfsd.conf this time around, I 
> will read it with interest
> ----

> Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
> Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Many thanks for your answer. I supposed that it was about hotplug. So in
my case (rather simple and stable home configuration) I suppose that I
can leave /etc/rc5.d/S99devfsd stopped ?

I apologize for the missing file. I included it using the evolution menu
"Insert/Inline text file" : I can see the file in the copy of the mail
that I posted, I can see it also in the copy of the mail that I received
as a member of the expert list : may it be a problem with evolution -
something that I did not learn yet ? Well I am going to copy it with the
mouse, tell me whether you see it or not.

Can I help with devfsd? And also : if I do tests, will it be useful ?
Maybe the next version of devfsd will work even with my configuration,
as I suppose that they a working hard on devfsd. I did not want to post
at first in the devfsd mailing list, rather first ask to Mandrake people
: but now should I ?

Anyway, I went on with some others tests this evening : all of them have
been unsuccessful :-(
- I have one service that displays [  OK  ] in vc/1 very late after that
the desktop has started; I changed /etc/init.d/functions in order to
display it's name along with "OK" : because, if when I restart devfsd by
hand from within an xterm, it starts correctly, the "modprobe <defunct>"
may be related to some timing problem ? Well, the service is 'smbd -HUP'
: are there any modules involved with smbd which could conflict with
devfsd ?
- Years ago, there were conflicts if starting gpm along with the X
server : as my problem seems to be related to the mouse, I rebooted
without gpm : and still got modprobe <defunct>
- as it's about modprobe, I listed the modules when booting with, and
without, S99devfsd : you will find both lists below, along with the
differences - I am not sure that I am able to guess anything from this

BTW, my mouse is a PS/2 MS wheel mouse, connected on a PS/2 port.

- usually, when I know a subject enough (or if it's not too hard, if the
doc is a good one ...), I am able to debug myself : setting the debug
mode, and analysing the logs; here, I am not sure I understand devfsd
debug mode : it tells that no action will occur; and I really don't know
how to cut devfsd.conf into parts, without damaging my OS or spending to
much time, in order to finally get at least a clue. If you believe I can
help, can you give my advices in order to do some tests ? (how to modify
devfsd.conf or else)

Best regards

Robert Grasso

# Sample /etc/devfsd.conf configuration file.
# Richard Gooch  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>         17-FEB-2002
# Enable full compatibility mode for old device names. You may comment
# out if you don't use the old device names. Make sure you know what
# doing!
REGISTER        .*              MKOLDCOMPAT
UNREGISTER      .*              RMOLDCOMPAT

# You may comment out the above and uncomment the following if you've
# configured your system to use the original "new" devfs names or the
# new names
#REGISTER       ^vc/            MKOLDCOMPAT
#UNREGISTER     ^vc/            RMOLDCOMPAT
#REGISTER       ^pty/           MKOLDCOMPAT
#UNREGISTER     ^pty/           RMOLDCOMPAT
#REGISTER       ^misc/          MKOLDCOMPAT
#UNREGISTER     ^misc/          RMOLDCOMPAT

# You may comment these out if you don't use the original "new" names
REGISTER        .*              MKNEWCOMPAT
UNREGISTER      .*              RMNEWCOMPAT

# Enable module autoloading. You may comment this out if you don't use
# autoloading
LOOKUP          .*              MODLOAD

# Uncomment the following if you want to set the group to "tty" for the
# pseudo-tty devices. This is necessary so that mesg(1) can later be
used to
# enable/disable talk requests and wall(1) messages.
REGISTER        ^pty/s.*        PERMISSIONS     -1.tty  0600
REGISTER        ^pts/.*         PERMISSIONS     -1.tty  0600

# Uncomment this if you want permissions to be saved and restored
# Do not do this for pseudo-terminal devices
REGISTER        ^pt[sy]         IGNORE
CREATE          ^pt[sy]         IGNORE
CHANGE          ^pt[sy]         IGNORE
DELETE          ^pt[sy]         IGNORE
REGISTER        .*              COPY    /lib/dev-state/$devname $devpath
CREATE          .*              COPY    $devpath /lib/dev-state/$devname
CHANGE          .*              COPY    $devpath /lib/dev-state/$devname
DELETE          .*              CFUNCTION GLOBAL unlink
RESTORE         /lib/dev-state

# Uncomment this if you want the old /dev/cdrom symlink
REGISTER        ^cdroms/cdrom0$ CFUNCTION GLOBAL mksymlink $devname
UNREGISTER      ^cdroms/cdrom0$ CFUNCTION GLOBAL unlink cdrom

REGISTER        ^v4l/video0$    CFUNCTION GLOBAL symlink v4l/video0
UNREGISTER      ^v4l/video0$    CFUNCTION GLOBAL unlink video

# ALSA stuff
#LOOKUP                 snd             MODLOAD ACTION snd

# Manage USB mouse
#REGISTER       ^input/mouse0$  CFUNCTION GLOBAL mksymlink input/mouse0
#UNREGISTER     ^input/mouse0$  CFUNCTION GLOBAL unlink usbmouse

# dynamic desktop and co

#REGISTER       .*/part.*       EXECUTE /etc/dynamic/scripts/part.script
add $devpath
#UNREGISTER     .*/part.*       EXECUTE /etc/dynamic/scripts/part.script
del $devpath

REGISTER        v4l/video.*     EXECUTE
/etc/dynamic/scripts/webcam.script add $devpath
UNREGISTER      v4l/video.*     EXECUTE
/etc/dynamic/scripts/webcam.script del $devpath

REGISTER        usb/scanner.*   EXECUTE
/etc/dynamic/scripts/scanner.script add $devpath
UNREGISTER      usb/scanner.*   EXECUTE
/etc/dynamic/scripts/scanner.script del $devpath

REGISTER        usb/rio500      EXECUTE
/etc/dynamic/scripts/rio500.script add $devpath
UNREGISTER      usb/rio500      EXECUTE
/etc/dynamic/scripts/rio500.script del $devpath

REGISTER        usb/tts/[13579] EXECUTE
/etc/dynamic/scripts/visor.script add $devpath
UNREGISTER      usb/tts/[13579] EXECUTE
/etc/dynamic/scripts/visor.script del $devpath

REGISTER        (usb/lp.*|printers/.*)  EXECUTE
/etc/dynamic/scripts/lp.script add $devpath
UNREGISTER      (usb/lp.*|printers/.*)  EXECUTE
/etc/dynamic/scripts/lp.script del $devpath

# Uncomment this to let PAM manage devfs
REGISTER        .*              CFUNCTION
/lib/security/pam_console_apply_devfsd.so pam_console_apply_single

# Uncomment this to manage USB mouse
#REGISTER       ^input/mouse0$  CFUNCTION GLOBAL mksymlink $devname
#UNREGISTER     ^input/mouse0$  CFUNCTION GLOBAL unlink usbmouse
#REGISTER       ^input/mice$    CFUNCTION GLOBAL mksymlink $devname
#UNREGISTER     ^input/mice$    CFUNCTION GLOBAL unlink usbmouse

# If you have removable media and want to force media revalidation when
# up new or old compatibility names, uncomment the following lines
# SCSI NEWCOMPAT  /dev/sd/* names
LOOKUP          ^(sd/c[0-9]+b[0-9]+t[0-9]+u[0-9]+)p[0-9]+$      EXECUTE
/bin/dd if=$mntpnt/\1 of=/dev/null count=1
# SCSI OLDCOMPAT  /dev/sd?? names
LOOKUP          ^(sd[a-z]+)[0-9]+$      EXECUTE /bin/dd if=$mntpnt/\1
of=/dev/null count=1
# IDE NEWCOMPAT   /dev/ide/hd/* names
LOOKUP          ^(ide/hd/c[0-9]+b[0-9]+t[0-9]+u[0-9]+)p[0-9]+$  EXECUTE
/bin/dd if=$mntpnt/\1 of=/dev/null count=1
# IDE OLDCOMPAT   /dev/hd?? names
LOOKUP          ^(hd[a-z])[0-9]+$       EXECUTE /bin/dd if=$mntpnt/\1
of=/dev/null count=1

# Include package-generated files from /etc/devfs/conf.d
OPTIONAL_INCLUDE   /etc/devfs/conf.d/

lsmod without S99devfsd

Module                  Size  Used by    Not tainted
sr_mod                 15160   0 (autoclean) (unused)
autofs4                 9252   2 (autoclean)
opl3sa2                 8352   2
ad1848                 21408   0 [opl3sa2]
mpu401                 19200   0 [opl3sa2]
sound                  57292   2 [opl3sa2 ad1848 mpu401]
soundcore               4068   6 [sound]
parport_pc             22088   1 (autoclean)
lp                      6464   0 (autoclean)
parport                23968   1 (autoclean) [parport_pc lp]
nfsd                   69536   8 (autoclean)
lockd                  49344   1 (autoclean) [nfsd]
sunrpc                 62964   1 (autoclean) [nfsd lockd]
ppp_synctty             5120   0 (unused)
ppp_async               6560   1
ppp_generic            19880   3 [ppp_synctty ppp_async]
slhc                    5056   0 [ppp_generic]
nls_cp437               4352   3 (autoclean)
nls_iso8859-1           2816   3 (autoclean)
smbfs                  34304   3 (autoclean)
af_packet              12488   2 (autoclean)
iptable_mangle          2336   0 (autoclean) (unused)
ipt_limit               1184   1 (autoclean)
ipt_multiport            960  10 (autoclean)
ipt_LOG                 3712   2 (autoclean)
ipt_state                832  45 (autoclean)
iptable_filter          1952   1 (autoclean)
ne2k-pci                5120   2 (autoclean)
8390                    6416   0 (autoclean) [ne2k-pci]
supermount             62180   2 (autoclean)
ipt_MASQUERADE          1504   1
iptable_nat            15988   1 [ipt_MASQUERADE]
ip_tables              11584  10 [iptable_mangle ipt_limit ipt_multiport
ipt_LOG ipt_state iptable_filt
er ipt_MASQUERADE iptable_nat]
ip_conntrack_ftp        3680   0 (unused)
ip_conntrack           15180   3 [ipt_state ipt_MASQUERADE iptable_nat
ide-scsi                8032   0
rtc                     5912   0 (autoclean)
ext3                   62092   3
jbd                    39356   3 [ext3]
aic7xxx               114676   4
sd_mod                 11512  10
scsi_mod               93244   4 [sr_mod ide-scsi aic7xxx sd_mod]

lsmod WITH S99devfsd

Module                  Size  Used by    Not tainted
sr_mod                 15160   0 (autoclean) (unused)
autofs4                 9252   2 (autoclean)
opl3sa2                 8352   0 (unused)
ad1848                 21408   0 [opl3sa2]
mpu401                 19200   0 [opl3sa2]
sound                  57292   0 [opl3sa2 ad1848 mpu401]
soundcore               4068   6 [sound]
parport_pc             22088   1 (autoclean)
lp                      6464   0 (autoclean)
parport                23968   1 (autoclean) [parport_pc lp]
nfsd                   69536   8 (autoclean)
lockd                  49344   1 (autoclean) [nfsd]
sunrpc                 62964   1 (autoclean) [nfsd lockd]
ppp_synctty             5120   0 (unused)
ppp_async               6560   1
ppp_generic            19880   3 [ppp_synctty ppp_async]
slhc                    5056   0 [ppp_generic]
nls_cp437               4352   3 (autoclean)
nls_iso8859-1           2816   3 (autoclean)
smbfs                  34304   3 (autoclean)
af_packet              12488   2 (autoclean)
iptable_mangle          2336   0 (autoclean) (unused)
ipt_limit               1184   1 (autoclean)
ipt_multiport            960  10 (autoclean)
ipt_LOG                 3712   2 (autoclean)
ipt_state                832  45 (autoclean)
iptable_filter          1952   1 (autoclean)
ne2k-pci                5120   2 (autoclean)
8390                    6416   0 (autoclean) [ne2k-pci]
supermount             62180   2 (autoclean)
ipt_MASQUERADE          1504   1
iptable_nat            15988   1 [ipt_MASQUERADE]
ip_tables              11584  10 [iptable_mangle ipt_limit ipt_multiport
ipt_LOG ipt_state iptable_filter ipt_MASQUERADE iptable_nat]
ip_conntrack_ftp        3680   0 (unused)
ip_conntrack           15180   3 [ipt_state ipt_MASQUERADE iptable_nat
ide-scsi                8032   0
rtc                     5912   0 (autoclean)
ext3                   62092   3
jbd                    39356   3 [ext3]
aic7xxx               114676   4
sd_mod                 11512   9
scsi_mod               93244   4 [sr_mod ide-scsi aic7xxx sd_mod]

diff "lsmod without S99devfsd" "lsmod with S99devfsd"

< opl3sa2                 8352   2
> opl3sa2                 8352   0 (unused)
< sound                  57292   2 [opl3sa2 ad1848 mpu401]
> sound                  57292   0 [opl3sa2 ad1848 mpu401]
< sd_mod                 11512  10
> sd_mod                 11512   9

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