Robert Grasso wrote on Wed, Jul 31, 2002 at 10:30:50PM +0200 :
> Many thanks for your answer. I supposed that it was about hotplug. So in
> my case (rather simple and stable home configuration) I suppose that I
> can leave /etc/rc5.d/S99devfsd stopped ?

Modify all the entries in /etc/lilo.conf:
Make sure to run '/sbin/lilo' to save those changes to the MBR.
(Civileme, correct me if I'm wrong, but it's not really rewriting the
MBR, it's rewriting the boot.b, correct?)

Then disable that devfs service from starting at boot:
  chkconfig devfsd off

> Anyway, I went on with some others tests this evening : all of them have
> been unsuccessful :-(
> - I have one service that displays [  OK  ] in vc/1 very late after that
> the desktop has started; I changed /etc/init.d/functions in order to

Probably samba.  Samba has a 'sleep 60' in it at which point it HUPs the
smbd process to reread the list of available printers that cups has been
browsing for.

> display it's name along with "OK" : because, if when I restart devfsd by
> hand from within an xterm, it starts correctly, the "modprobe <defunct>"
> may be related to some timing problem ? Well, the service is 'smbd -HUP'
> : are there any modules involved with smbd which could conflict with
> devfsd ?

No, not really.  What's happening is the "compatibility" mode of devfs.
devfs can make old devices that it knows about when some process tries
to access one of these old devices.  It seems like something is
accessing a device that devfs tries to load a module and fails.  When it
fails, it doesn't seem to be failing cleanly with the endresult of a
defunct modprobe process.  Boot without devfs and that problem will
most likely go away.

> - Years ago, there were conflicts if starting gpm along with the X
> server : as my problem seems to be related to the mouse, I rebooted
> without gpm : and still got modprobe <defunct>

No longer, gpm and X have been altered to work well together.

> REGISTER        .*              MKOLDCOMPAT
> UNREGISTER      .*              RMOLDCOMPAT
> REGISTER        .*              MKNEWCOMPAT
> UNREGISTER      .*              RMNEWCOMPAT

These are the lines that are problem causing it.  It's a catchall for
compatibility of older programs (ie most everything will expect the
first serial port to be /dev/ttyS0, so devfs makes /dev/ttyS0 be a
symlink to the devfs version /dev/tts/0)

> # Include package-generated files from /etc/devfs/conf.d
> OPTIONAL_INCLUDE   /etc/devfs/conf.d/

Great line.  It allows you to put small files in /etc/devfs/conf.d.
This means that individual packages can install small devfs
configuration files WITHOUT having to modify the /etc/devfsd.conf or
/etc/modules.devfs files.  My LT winmodem rpm does exactly this, though
I can't claim credit for it.  I just packaged someone else's work.

Blue skies...           Todd
  Todd Lyons -- MandrakeSoft, Inc.
UNIX was not designed to stop you from doing stupid things, because 
  that would also stop you from doing clever things. -- Doug Gwyn
   Cooker Version mandrake-release-9.0-0.2mdk Kernel 2.4.18-21mdk

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