Greetings again,

On Saturday 10 August 2002 14:26, David Oberbeck Wrote Thusly:
> Todd,
>    Again, many thanks for your response.
>    Tried what you suggested, (unhappy) results below.

   I'm following up on my own post. The problem is solved, but not the
way that is going to go over well on a Mandrake List...

   Firstly, my thanks to Mr. Lyons for responding earlier with helpful

   Skipping forward to the conclusion: this problem / incident points
to a serious problem with Disk Drake on this platform (Compaq DL360
with Smart Array 5i RAID controller). These problems do not exist in
Red Hat 7.3 Professional.

   The Story:

   In an act of frustration, I broke down and purchased a copy of Red
Hat 7.3 Professional. To my surprise and delight RH 7.3 installed
without any problems whatsoever (by this point I was beginning to
suspect hardware problems).

   Red Hat's Disk Druid came up with (from fdisk, with mount points
added in parens in the last column):

           Device Boot    Start       End    Blocks   Id  System
/dev/cciss/c0d0p1   *         1        13     53024   83  Linux    ( /boot )
/dev/cciss/c0d0p2            14      1845   7474560   83  Linux    ( / )
/dev/cciss/c0d0p3          1846      3351   6144480   83  Linux    ( /usr )
/dev/cciss/c0d0p4          3352      4357   4104480    f  Win95 Ext'd (LBA) (n/a)
/dev/cciss/c0d0p5          3352      3853   2048144   82  Linux swap ( n/a )
/dev/cciss/c0d0p6          3854      4104   1024064   83  Linux    ( /tmp )
/dev/cciss/c0d0p7          4105      4355   1024064   83  Linux    ( /var )

   So, as much as I hate to do this (especially after strongly pushing
Mandrake over Red Hat to the client), it looks like I'm going to have
        (a) eat crow,
        (b) bail on Mandrake for this client (who is going to use a
            lot of these Compaq boxes)

unless someone comes up with a brilliant solution and/or incredible
flash of insight between now and Monday morning US mountain time.

   For completeness, after RH 7.3 was running I went back and tried to
re-install Mdk 8.2 ProSuite, without deleting any of the partitions
created by Red Hat. I was able to interactively re-format each of the
partitions *except* the swap partition, which gave the same
uninformative error dialog:

        "An error occurred.
         Swap area needs to be."

   Ergo, something is very honked in in Disk Drake re swap partitions
on this hardware platform.


   Also found that Mdk 8.2 does not have built-in support for the dual
BroadCom 5700 1 GB ethernet adaptors, RH 7.3 recognized them out of
the box.

   So, Red Hat 7.3 it (probably) is.



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