On Fri, 2002-10-04 at 12:48, Charlie wrote:
> On Friday 04 October 2002 12:57 pm, James Sparenberg wrote:
> > Or you can chose my method.... KDE Control center --> Desktop ---
> > uncheck "enable desktop icons".  Gets rid of all of them..... *grin*
> >
> > James
> Hmmm. Everyone's complaining about the Removable Media icon (I saw it on the 
> last or second last update of the beta2 install I was working with) but when 
> I installed Dolphin my desktop came with _no_ icons at all at first boot. The 
> "enable desktop icons" button is checked. 
> Not that I care, but I did add a couple just to save some scrolling. So I'm 
> lazy, shoot me! 

That happened on a box at work... So just for grins I had them uncheck
the box...apply restart kde  then recheck it.... they came back... your
milage may vary.


> I added; XMMS, a link to my ogg directory, KwikDisk, a couple others for 
> convenience. 
> -- 
> Charlie
> Edmonton,AB,Canada
> Registered user 244963 at http://counter.li.org
> Fortune's Exercising Truths:
> 1:  Richard Simmons gets paid to exercise like a lunatic.  You don't.
> 2.  Aerobic exercises stimulate and speed up the heart.  So do heart attacks.
> 3.  Exercising around small children can scar them emotionally for life.
> 4.  Sweating like a pig and gasping for breath is not refreshing.
> 5.  No matter what anyone tells you, isometric exercises cannot be done
>     quietly at your desk at work.  People will suspect manic tendencies as
>     you twitter around in your chair.
> 6.  Next to burying bones, the thing a dog enjoys mosts is tripping joggers.
> 7.  Locking four people in a tiny, cement-walled room so they can run around
>     for an hour smashing a little rubber ball -- and each other -- with a hard
>     racket should immediately be recognized for what it is: a form of 
> insanity.
> 8.  Fifty push-ups, followed by thirty sit-ups, followed by ten chin-ups,
>     followed by one throw-up.
> 9.  Any activity that can't be done while smoking should be avoided.
> ----

> Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
> Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

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