On Wednesday 16 October 2002 10:57 pm, James Sparenberg wrote:
> On Wed, 2002-10-16 at 18:45, Carroll Grigsby wrote:

> > I happen to live in Raleigh (RedHat's new home). FWIW, most of the red
> > hats that you see around here have NC State logos on them. I don't think
> > that I've ever seen an official Red Hat hat. Maybe they keep a low
> > profile to avoid being arrested for possible DCMA violations.
> Assuming you've heard the latest but just in case.  Dmitry is due in
> court Oct 21st along with some others from his company.  Problem is ...
> the state department has denied all of them a visa.  So tell me.. does
> he get arrested for failure to appear, or for being an illegal alien?
> James

But if they arrest him as an illegal alien, won't they just deport him back 
to Russia? Sounds counterproductive. Oops, I forgot that we're talking about 
the US government here.
Actually, all that will probably happen is that the trial will be postponed 
(happens all of the time), and someone in the Justice Department will call 
someone in the State Department. They'll either work it out, or they won't. 
Film at 11.
-- cmg

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