
Try this to post your XF86config-4 file and xfree log

1. put dos formated floppy in drive. I think that
supermount should mount it automatically. If not
manually mount it with "mount -t vfat /dev/fd0
2. cp /etc/X11/XF86config-4 /mnt/floppy
3. cd /var/log
4. ls
look for a file that starts with xfree or something
like that. not sure of file name for log file but
something close to this I think...
5. cp xfree /mnt/floppy
6. unmount floppy if needed.

Post those two files here.

--- Tim Werner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm still trying to get my PCI SiS 5598/6326 video
> card to work on ML9.0.
> Yesterday Mike suggested that I configure it as
> 'vesa', but from the X
> Configuration install step, that selection is only
> available under XFree-4.
> I tried it anyway, and got the following errors:
>  (EE) no core pointer device specified
>  (EE) Unable to determine the screen layout
> I also tried choosing XFree-3 server SVGA, and got
> the error
>  Config error /etc/X11/F86COnfig.test:10
> I also booted into console mode and ran xf86config. 
> I think I entered the
> right numbers, but couldn't figure out how to get
> XFree-3 to run.  Startx
> seems to run XFree-4, and I get the same errors (no
> core pointer, etc.) as
> when I tried to configure at install time.
> Can anyone 'splain to me how to configure X to let
> me use the card
> generically?  This is frustrating, since I really
> only need the same kind of
> resolution that the install program has.  Everything
> looks hunky-dory until
> I configure X.  How do I get X to use the same video
> mode as the
> installation program?
> I found a framebuffer HOWTO that seems to list my
> card as VESA 2.0
> compliant, but I don't understand how to use the
> info in the document to
> make a xconfig file, or to pick the right arguments
> for startx.
> Thanks,
> Tim
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