Michael Holt wrote:
Sunday, David Guntner mused:

Michael Holt grabbed a keyboard and wrote:

[...] I would like to make an html front-end to access the mail program (or
pine) something similar to yahoo or hotmail but without all the crappy ads
and weird email you get on those.  I know I can come up with something,
but I was wondering if someone had already designed something similar to
what I'm talking about?
Have you looked into Squirrelmail? As web-based mail interfaces go, it's pretty nice, and allows you to set up POP3 access to your other mailboxes out there on the net, so it could do what you want. http://www.squirrelmail.org


Cool, I think I'm going to use this package. I wasn't aware there are so many packages out there that do this type of work.
And thanks to everyone else who answered this post - very helpful!


Hi Mike,

Just my two cents here. After reading this thread yesterday I grabbed the SquirrleMail package from the site and got things installed. Installing SM wasn't difficult at all and amounted to nothing more then installing the RPM. The challenge came when it was time to configure apache to execute PHP pages when called. Normally I'd suspect that if you've got the PHP packages installed on the machine when apache is installed things are pretty set to go. However, i've also found that sometimes the modules aren't getting loaded and start time as they should.

My big challenge was to "attempt" to remember which file it was to edit so apache loaded the modules to "turn on" php support. Apache on Mandrake uses three files, commonhttpd.conf, httpd.conf, and httpd-perl.conf to load and configure everything. I had to add a few lines to the httpd.conf file before PHP started working correctly. From there it was a breeze to configure SM. Since I was already using IMAP implementation was seemless. Just needed to run the conf.pl script to define the server and all.


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