If you check th html standard with http://validator.w3.org/ you will see
why it does not work, here it is the message:

 Sorry, I am unable to validate this document because its content type
is text/plain, which is not currently supported by this service. 

So the problem is simply that they have missconfigured the MIME type

Anyway, MS intentionally  has made their web editors *NOT* to fulfill
the html standard even they signed to make people think it's other
browser's fault. Here in Spain Hispalinux society made the goverment
change *ALL* official webs (I was one of the monkeys that helped proving
were they were violating a standard). I you see a governamental web NOT
being under the standard in Europe Comunity, surely you can force them
to change inmidiately as normally it falls into "antycompetence" NOT to
use an approved international open standard against a private one....
Problem is with goverments that do not have that laws and specially with
lazy private enterprices.

El mié, 27-11-2002 a las 18:51, Marek escribió:
> Hi
> Seems more and more web pages are not working with Linux these days. I 
> experience on some sites that when i click a link or the actual page i 
> just get the HTML code on the page and nothing else. I thought this 
> might be one of the plugins so i removed plugger and the rest but get 
> the same effect. Is it just my settings or do others have this as well /
> This is an example of one of them when i click one of the links. 
> http://www.wits.ac.za/izangoma
> -- 
> /Marek
> \\Pawinski.net
> ----

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