You can create a wrapper script for each application and including the correct path for the app. This will be valid only for the session and will not interfere with other java apps requiring different jdk's.


James Sparenberg wrote:

I've got to set up a number of apps to use java. Problems come with
the fact that as you may know not all jvm's are created equal. Some of
these apps run on 1.2 some on 1.3 and others on 1.4 ... then to top it
off depending on the distro the directory could be different, and each
box is running all 3 apps at different times. So to address this I'm
creating a "startup" script that locates the correct jre or jdk as
needed and does the correct path insertion. So what I need to do.

1. discover the location of the jre/jdk I need No problem with this one a case statement is all I need. 2. Set the appropriate path ... see above.
3. Reset the path when the app is closed...

Ok... step 3 is the sticking point. If I open an app using 1.2's jre
then an app using 1.4's I'm winding up with a confused app because I've
got two java commands in the path. or at least this is what I
anticipate happening. Am I barking up the wrong tree here or.. if I'm
really lucky is this one of those things that happens right without
intervention on my part.



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