On Saturday 16 November 2002 03:05 am, Henning Meier-Geinitz wrote:
your tips hear were helpfull and got me alot closer to having network scanning 
ability.  acessing scanimage on localhost is confirmed to work
so I next issued this command on a computer without scanner "Client" I am 
trying to be able to scan on:

[root@h2o sane.d]# SANE_DEBUG_NET=255 scanimage -L
[sanei_debug] Setting debug level of net to 255.
[net] sane_init: authorize = 0x804a8e0, version_code = 0xbffff178
[net] sane_init: SANE net backend version 1.0.9 from sane-backends-1.0.8
[net] sane_init: Client has little endian byte order
[net] sane_init: determining sane service port
[net] sane_init: could not find `sane' service (No such file or directory); 
using default port 6566
[net] sane_init: searching for config file
[net] sane_init: trying to add
[net] add_device: adding backend
[net] add_device: backend added
[net] sane_init: done reading config
[net] sane_init: evaluating environment variable SANE_NET_HOSTS
[net] sane_init: done
[net] sane_get_devices: local_only = 0
[net] connect_dev: trying to connect to
[net] connect_dev: connection succeeded
[net] connect_dev: sanei_w_init
[net] connect_dev: net_init (user=root, local version=1.0.3)
[net] connect_dev: freeing init reply (status=Invalid argument, remote 
[net] connect_dev: access to denied
[net] connect_dev: closing connection to
[net] sane_get_devices: ignoring failure to connect to
[net] sane_get_devices: finished (0 devices)

No scanners were identified. If you were expecting something different,
check that the scanner is plugged in, turned on and detected by the
sane-find-scanner tool (if appropriate). Please read the documentation
which came with this software (README, FAQ, manpages).
[net] sane_exit: exiting
[net] sane_exit: closing dev 0x8054450, ctl=-1
[net] sane_exit: finished.
[root@h2o sane.d]#

It looks very near working only in the very end while trying to acess the 
device did things go wrong.

The server with the hp G85 attached does not have the same user list as the 
terminal server with the clients attached. Do I need to setup a user profile 
for each user on the server who will be acessing scanning services via saned 

> Hi,
> On Sat, Nov 16, 2002 at 12:16:19AM +0100, Steven Lowette wrote:
> > If I run saned as a daemon from inetd or xinetd, with full debug output,
> What do you mean by ""with full debug output"? If you set options -d
> or -s you can't run saned from inetd or xinetd, that's for manual
> start only.
> > I
> > get in my /var/log/syslog after a remote scanimage -L:
> >
> > Nov  7 12:06:26 igor saned[3704]: main: starting debug mode (level 128)
> > Nov  7 12:06:27 igor saned[3704]: main: trying to get port for service
> > `sane' (getservbyname)
> > Nov  7 12:06:30 igor saned[3704]: main: port is 6566
> > Nov  7 12:06:30 igor saned[3704]: main: socket ()
> > Nov  7 12:06:30 igor saned[3704]: main: setsockopt ()
> > Nov  7 12:06:30 igor saned[3704]: main: bind ()
> > Nov  7 12:06:30 igor saned[3704]: main: bind failed: Address already in
> > use
> Well, the address is already in use :-) Explanation: xinetd binds to
> port 6566 and starts saned, if a request comes in. The communication
> between saned and xinetd uses stdin and out.
> However, if you run saned -d from xinetd, saned will try to open port
> 6566. Bang! That one is already opened by xinetd.
> So remove "-d" from saned in xinetd.conf.
> > If I run manually saned -d128 on the command line, the same
> > remote 'scanimage -L' works. However, issuing 'scanimage hp:/dev/scanner'
> > starts and finishes a scan, but yields an IO-error after some time (with
> > no image output on the scanimage side):
> >
> > sane_start: Error during device I/O
> scanimage hp:/dev/scanner can't work. First, the option for setting
> the device is -d. Second, you want to scan over the net, so the
> command would be e.g.:
> scanimage -d net:hostname:hp:/dev/scanner
> But I don't think that's the real problem.
> What's the debug output when you run saned -d128?
> > I have iptables running on the machine with the scanner, but that's ok.
> Sure? You need port 6566 and a data port. The data port is selected
> by the system running saned. It can be any port > 1024.
> > With the filters disabled, the problem remains. The computer with the
> > scanner is very slow, but as the local scanning works, I guess this is
> > neither an issue.
> Try local network scanning first. On the computer with the scanner,
> add "localhost" to net.conf. Try scanning with:
> scanimage -d net:localhost:hp:/dev/scanner
> No errors? Then it's either a problem with your filters or the second
> computer.
> To get more debugging on the client:
> SANE_DEBUG_NET=255 scanimage -L
> Bye,
>   Henning
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