On Fri, 10 Jan 2003 19:31:14 -0700, Vincent Danen wrote:
>On Fri Jan 10, 2003 at 06:34:31PM -0500, Mark Weaver wrote:
>>>Hey Mandrake,
>>>I see there is still no regular update to Samba to fix the very
>>>nasty 2gb
>>>file limit.
>>>So, I checked cooker.  There -is- one in there, but the cooker
>>>won't install on a 9.0 machine!  I'm getting endless dependencies.
>>>up with this?  Is it possible to ask for an update to at least the
>>>samba packages to fix this problem?  Thanks.
>>just how long is that list of dependencies? it might be worth it to
>>to satisfy them if you can get past the 2GB file limit.
>Could also rebuild the srpm.  I'm sure that's probably easiest.
>Anyways, does 2.2.7a fix this 2GB file limit problem?  How long has
>this problem been around (this is the first I've heard of it, but I'm
>not a samba user).
>It's also unfair to be sitting around and yelling "Hey Mandrake when
>are you going to fix this bug that no one reported?".  Is there a
>bugzilla entry for this?  I am assuming that if this was a legitimate
>problem that needed to be addressed in updates, and the bug had been
>reported to someone here, that it would have been forwarded to
>This hasn't happened so I can only assume one of two things:  It was
>reported, but not acted on, or it wasn't reported.
>Which one is it, Bob?  Where's the bugzilla report you posted?

Rpm, shmarpm. Just go get the source and build it. If an RPM is available, by all 
means use it, but when it's not, it's Linux folks. Rol up your sleeves and dig in.

Matthew O. Persico

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