On Mon Jan 13, 2003 at 10:06:48AM +0100, Luca Olivetti wrote:

> >>Well, maybe mandrakeexpert interface is better for newbies,  but for bug 
> >>querying/reporting/tracking seems totally useless to me.
> >
> >
> >Be that as it may, it has no bearing on my point.  These gripes and
> >demands of "Mandrake, where is the update?!?" are made on a mailing
> >list without previously anyone indicating there is a problem.  So
> >whether MandrakeExpert is for n00bs or bugzilla is for cooker is
> >irrelevant.  What's relevant here is someone bitching about something
> >not being fixed without ever having made the attempt to tell us it was
> >broken.
> Don't kill the messenger ;-)
> My remark about the inadequacy of MandrakeExpert for bug tracking was 
> orthogonal to the original remark. You are absolutely right on all accounts.

hehehe... sorry.  It had been an interesting day yesterday and I sorta
took it out on the list.

> >Now, last I checked, MandrakeSoft employees aren't psychic, so how are
> >we supposed to know there is a problem if no one reports it?  While the
> >"tools" in question may be... questionable, if everyone sits back,
> >finds a problem, grumbles under their breath, tells their buddies, then
> >comes on a mailing list with demands of "where's the fix" without
> >having ever indicated the problem, then not only are they doing
> >MandrakeSoft a disservice, they are doing themselves one as well.
> OTOH If I cannot easily check if the problem has been reported before 
> and file a new bug report on MandrakeExpert, chances are that 
> MandrakeSoft employees will either ignore the bug reports or spend all 
> their time finding duplicates instead of fixing bugs.

Yup, very true.  What we might need is a bugzilla for
previously-released distribs and one for cooker.  I'll see what I can
come up with.

> >So while the interface of MandrakeExpert has pretty much jack to do
> >with anything, if you feel we are lacking in the department of
> >previously-released bug tracking tools, then please make that request. 
> >I'm sure today isn't the first time you thought ME was lacking.  Why
> >haven't you made a formal request for better release bug tracking
> >tools?
> Because up until recently (when someone on the cooker list remarked that 
> bugzilla was only for cooker), I thought that it was also for released 
> versions and MandrakeExpert was a totally different system with a 
> different focus. My mistake, sorry.

Well, it wasn't that long ago that bugzilla was for all versions.  But
it's just recently, for the 9.1 cycle, become cooker exclusive. 
MandrakeExpert is the preferred medium for reporting bugs on older
distribs, but I agree with you that it isn't the best forum for doing
so.  I think Expert should be for support, not bug reporting.

I'll see what I can do... no promises on anything, and it probably
wouldn't be for a while, but perhaps there is something we can do for
the future.

MandrakeSoft Security; http://www.mandrakesecure.net/
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