As a followup to my question, I have a question about translation done in MS word. We have a local translator who does website translation for us and they use MS Word with language support packs. The problem is, AFAIK this translation (once output to HTML by Word) is only viewable in IE with language support due to the proprietary nature of almost all MS shite. My question is, is there an OSS way of doing things?? Can I use OO or similar to create docs in other languages (then output them to html) that are cross browser compatible?? Is this possible or are my only options to use MS means and just expect people to use IE to view the docs in other languages?? The only other way I can see to do it is to take a screen shot from within Winblows and crop it and add the text as images to the docs. Then ALL browsers can see the images. I just wonder if there is not a better more oss friendly way to do things?? Besides, I don't want to have to use MS Word just to type text in other languages!!

Thanks for any advice.


Jason Greenwood wrote:
How do you install/download language packs for Mozilla?? I mean to DISPLAY pages created with different languages, not locals. If know there are language packs for Mozilla but these seem to change the language for all of Mozilla. I just want to be able to display text in other languages. For example, I remember way back when I used Winblows that if I visited a page I didn't have a language pack to display, IE would prompt to download the pack to display it. How does Moz handle it?? I went to a Korean site and it looks like gibberish (and not Korean gibberish either). Ideas??



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