On Thu Jan 16, 2003 at 07:04:10AM -0800, T E wrote:

> Er sorry Vincent if I confused you.  I guess I have
> been misunderstanding this whole Chapter 11 ordeal... 
> I was under the false impression that Mandrake was
> disappearing.

Oh no... we don't plan on going anywhere... =)

> Lorne, I know what you mean about docs!!  Has any one
> else out there found a suitable doc or must we infact
> shell out the $2,000? I did however find this for SNF
> so maybe it's close enough:

The online docs should be available RSN.

> http://www.mandrakelinux.com/en/doc/72/SNF/en/user.html/

I wouldn't use this as a basis for MNF.  SNF is an entirely different
creature... for one, it's based on ipchains and 2.2 kernel, not
iptables and 2.4 kernel.  Right there you have two extremely different
implementations.  The function is similar, as is the name... that's
about it.  =)

> BTW, how has your implementation of MNF been coming?
> Still "kicking your butt"?

I've found MNF to be fairly straightforward... I am having a few
issues with configuring it, but for the most part it was amazingly
straightforward.  That being said, I'd still like to get port
forwarding working the way I want it to... =)

> I seem to have run into a weird problem after I try to
> configure MNF: I will log out then attempt to log back
> in (naturally thru the web interface) and I receive a
> return to the login screen with an error.  This error
> is as follows:
> Cookies Not Found
> I've noticed I'm not the only one having this problem
> and I chimed in on that fact at alt.os.linux.mandrake
> ...you guys have any ideas on this one?

Could be that you're using IE... IIRC, this is a problem there.  Also,
there is a timeout, so if you idle for too long, you'll be booted.  Not
sure how long the timeout is tho (one could probably log in and examine
the cookies for an expiry date to see how long they remain alive for).

> In closing, I think we need to get more dialog going
> on this product.  It appears to have massive
> potential, yet little recognition, wouldn't you agree?

[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Yes, I know the name is a bit of a
misnomer, since it's for the discussion of both SNF and MNF.  I'll be
changing the name of the list to [EMAIL PROTECTED] soon.

MandrakeSoft Security; http://www.mandrakesecure.net/
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