On Wed, 2003-01-22 at 16:35, Tom Brinkman wrote:
> On Wednesday January 22 2003 03:08 pm, Robert Goshko wrote:
> > You can look at my review of the beta:
> >
> > http://www.goshko.ca/modules.php?op=modload&name=Reviews&file=index
> >&req=showcontent&id=4
>  from the URL,
> "I also had problems unmounting removable media (CD-ROM's and 
> floppy's). The system would always complain that the device was busy, 
> even after verifying that nothing I could see was "touching" the 
> drives."
>    Look in lilo.conf (or grub), and see if your removable media drives 
> were configured properly. In my case floppy wasn't the problem, but 
> my CDrom an burner were. The Cdrom was now setup as scsi (my hdc). 
> Neither my burner (hdd) or CDrom would mount a CD for reading. It 
> appeared to (an is) a 2.4.21 kernel difference.
>    The fix was to add (in my case) 'hdc=ide-cd' to lilo.conf an force 
> the CDrom back to IDE. Now it works great!  So simple, yet I didn't 
> figure it out (Pixel did). Expect beta3 to account for this.  Isn't 
> that what beta's are for ??

Thanks Tom, I'll give that a try, I seem to recall that this "is the
way" it was in 8.2.

-- "The time line is on this Mobius Strip." -- Dilbert
Robert Goshko                  Axis Computer Consulting Services, Inc
President                              Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada
http://www.axis-dev.ca/       Supporting the Revolution In Your World
Registered Linux User #260513        GNU/Linux i686 2.4.20-2mdk-725ca
  7:28pm  up 15 min,  4 users,  load average: 1.03, 1.00, 0.52

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