On Sun Jan 26, 2003 at 08:02:53AM +0100, Benjamin Pflugmann wrote:

> > > This is true as long as you don't need transactions, rollbacks, commits,
> > > referencial integrity (in version 4.0.9) and so on.
> > > Without /etc/my.cnf you are restricted to MYISAM and BDB tables.
> > 
> > True, but last I checked, we haven't touched MySQL 4.x yet so it's a
> > moot point until we move to 4.x (ie. cooker has 3.23.54a which should
> > be updated to .55 shortly).
> The reference about 4.0.9 was only in regard with referencial
> constraints, I think. At least all the other stuff (mainly requires
> InnoDB table handler) is available with 3.23.x already (with Mandrake,
> you have to install the MySQL-Max package).

Ahhh... gotchya.

> Shouldn't Cooker move to 4.0.x? It is currently gamma and supposed to
> be declared stable within a month or so, presumed no disaster happens.

I think when it comes to the server type stuff, we try to be a little
more conservative.  No one wants 9.1 to come out with a crap SQL
server.  Of course, it's also up to Warly as maintainer.

> > Actually, speaking of which, has anyone used 4.x at all?  Any initial
> > reactions to it compared to 3.x?
> Nice stuff. The query cache gives a nice boost, if your queries are
> read-heavy. Most/all server settings are runtime variables now,
> i.e. you can change key_cache without restarting the server. And
> DELETEs can be based on a second table (multi-table deletes).
> Rock-solid (since beta) for me - same as 3.23 - with applications
> written for 3.23.x (had no time/reason yet to rewrite my apps).

This is good.  I don't want to be rewriting a bunch of code to use
4.x... so this is definitely good news.

> I don't use the following stuff much, therefore no first-hand
> expierience with it yet: FULLTEXT indexes and replication got a major
> rewrite. You can link the mysql server as a library to your
> application. And some other stuff listed here:
>   http://www.mysql.com/doc/en/News-4.0.x.html

Cool... thanks.  I've got a little bit of reading to do it looks like. 

MandrakeSoft Security; http://www.mandrakesecure.net/
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