Dallam Wych wrote on Wed, Jan 29, 2003 at 04:57:55PM +0000 :
> On Wed, Jan 29, 2003 at 11:34:31AM -0500, Sascha Noyes wrote:
> > The only reason that he posted privately (by error) is that you have got a
> > "reply to" set while discussing on a mailing list.
> I don't think so, I think it is a kmail thing. It isn't my mutts
> fault that someones mailer can't deferentiate between a list reply
> and a personal reply. I gather then that in kmail you don't have an
> "r" option for a reply as opposed to "L" for a list reply?

You are correct, that is not something that other mailers besides mutt
have.  However, you are exacerbating the problem by forcibly setting a
reply-to in your emails.  That's the equivalent of using a quote reply
string of "begin  %n quotation:".  Though it's funny to watch others
squirm, you have no basis to complain when they *HONOR* your settings.

In your .muttrc, comment out the 'set reply_to' setting, such as this:
#set reply_to = ask-yes

Blue skies...                   Todd
| MandrakeSoft USA             | Security is like an onion.  It's made |
| http://www.mandrakesoft.com  | made up of several layers and makes   |
| http://www.mandrakelinux.com | you cry.              --Howard Chu    |
      Mandrake Cooker Devel Version, Kernel 2.4.20-2mdk

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