On Tuesday 11 February 2003 09:18 am, Jack Coates wrote:
> On Tue, 2003-02-11 at 08:12, Ken Thompson wrote:
> > Comment inline.
> >
> > On Monday 10 February 2003 10:56 am, Jack Coates wrote:
> > > edit ~/.bash_profile
> > > find the line beginning PATH =
> > > put this under it:
> > > JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/j2re1.4.0
> > > export JAVA_HOME
> > >
> > > source .bash_profile in the shell you will run java from.
> > >
> > > these instructions may sound familiar from the README that came with
> > > the Sun RPM....
> >
> > Jack,
> > Java as such works OK on this machine, what does not work after the
> > KDE3.1 upgrade is the java applet in the firewall's "shell" portion of
> > the web interface. It was working just fine under KDE3.0.5...
> > I've set up java in konqueror and double checked to make sure, works OK
> > on websites & etc <except for ms only sites>..
> I don't know what might have changed, as I don't use KDE. I find it very
> implausible that upgrading KDE screwed up your $PATH. The snippet you
> posted here:
> ...
> > > > ================================
> > > > [ken@localhost ken]$ java -version
> > > > bash: java: command not found
> > > > [ken@localhost ken]$ su
> > > > Password:
> > > > [root@localhost ken]# java -version
> > > > bash: java: command not found
> > > > [root@localhost ken]#
> > > > =================================
> > > > Java is in /usr/java/j2re1.4.0..
> > > > SUN binary RPM..
> shows a pathing problem. That's typically not an issue for java running
> in a browser because you've told the browser where to find java; so I
> don't know what you're running into with this particular applet;
> however, I would certainly want to look at konq's equivalent of Help |
> About Plugins and make sure that the java you're using is the one you
> think it is. $PATH is a problem when running java programs from bash as
> in the snippet you posted.
> ...
Yep, it's driving me up the wall..
One thing tha has been suggested I haven't tries yet is to use Mozilla or 
Netscape and see what they do. OK, just tried that and the applet loads so it 
looks like a Konqueror problem.
Ken Thompson
Payette, Idaho

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