On Thu 2003-02-06 at 22:08:29 -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> <VirtualHost>
> ServerName www.xxx.com
> DocumentRoot /usr/www/vtest/htdocs
> ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ "/usr/www/vtest/cgi-bin/"
> <Directory /usr/www/vtest/htdocs>
> Options Indexes MultiViews
> AllowOverride None
> Order allow,deny
> Allow from all
> </Directory>
> </VirtualHost>

This looks OK, I think.

> When I go to the default file on the domain it works.  When I try to go to
> www.xxx.com/cgi-bin/cgihello.plx I get the following message:
> "You don't have permission to access /cgi-bin/cgihello.plx on this server."

What does the error log say (should be /var/log/httpd/error_log)?

> chmod was used to set the directory and file as follows:
> directory: drwxr-xr-x
> cgi-file: -rw-r--r-x

Please show the whole line from 

  ls -l /usr/www/vtest/cgi-bin/cgihello.plx

One thing that is unusual: You don't have given executable rights to
user or group. If the web server is in the in the group, it won't be
allowed to execute the file.



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