On Thursday 06 Mar 2003 11:50 am, Bill Mullen wrote:
> On Thu, 2003-03-06 at 04:54, Colin Jenkins wrote:
> > finally had to remove mdk9 and replace it with w2k today :(
> > I have tried to get a backup happening for months now with little
> > success. The script below works fine  when run directly but when run as a
> > cron task, it backs up some of the first directory (about 2 gb), then
> > quits. no errors in the cron logs and the machine is ONLY used for
> > backups. The task is set to run when the network is not in use.
> > I have tried smbtar and every other way I could think of backing up, but
> > it always seems to fail with cron.
> > (all updates have been applied)
> > Any ideas on what the problem might be?
> >
> > #!/bin/sh
> > export USER=administrator%******
> > smbmount //wallaby/users /mnt/temp
> >
> > tar -cvf
> > /mnt/windows/user2003.tar  \  --directory  /mnt/temp/2003
> > --exclude=User.dat  --exclude=History --exclude=Application\ Data
> > --exclude=*.dat --exclude=*.exe --exclude=*.tmp --exclude=Cookies  .
> [snip]
> I notice that you're not using compression. I seem to recall having seen
> a thread on the local LUG list about tar silently croaking in exactly
> this fashion when the output file reaches 2GB in size; I'll have a look
> at the archives and see if I can track down more detailed info for you,
> as there may have been a workaround mentioned (but maybe not, also).
> In the meantime, a couple of suggestions ...
> Google on tar and 2GB - bound to be something out there on this.
> Use compression and/or sectioning the file selection further to keep the
> generated file sizes always under this ceiling.
> I'll report back if I come up with more info for you.

There was a thread on this issue on the newbie list, but I can't remember 
when.  It's not too recent, so I would try searching pre new year.

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