On Monday 10 March 2003 08:02 am, Brian wrote:
> On Monday 10 March 2003 07:54 am, civileme wrote:
> > On Monday 10 March 2003 03:17 am, Mark Weaver wrote:
> > > Hi list,
> > >
> > > I noticed this yesterday after receiving an error message from Mozilla
> > > that it couldn't send a message. So far I've been all over the
> > > filesystem every way I know how, but still can't find a reason for this
> > > condition.
> > >
> > > So far I've phyiscally examined the filesystem with mc and du to see if
> > > I could find an extra large file somewhere, but nothing is popping out.
> > > The only thing on the "/" filesystem is everything but /var and /usr.
> > > I'm suspicious of the manner in which /mnt may be affecting the root
> > > filesystem.
> > >
> > > Any ideas?
> > >
> > > Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
> > > /dev/hda1             718M  674M  7.6M  99% /
> > > none                   62M     0   61M   0% /dev/shm
> > > /dev/hda10            618M  308M  310M  50% /home
> > > /dev/hdc1             643M  611M     0 100% /mnt/arc
> > > /dev/hda11            3.5G  2.1G  1.2G  61% /mnt/arc_2
> > > /dev/hda6             1.4G  1.4G   26M  99% /usr
> > > /dev/hda7             934M  538M  349M  61% /var
> > > /dev/hda9             3.9G  906M  2.8G  24% /var/ftp
> > > /dev/hda8             1.1G  179M  869M  18% /var/www
> >
> > try this
> >
> > open a terminal
> > su to root
> >
> > # mkdir -p /var/www/maxis
> > # rm -r /tmp -f
> > # ln -d /var/www/maxis /tmp
> >
> > mozilla uses /tmp for many things, including reassembling packets from a
> > download into a file before moving the file to its final destination. 
> > /tmp is in / in your system ...  After this little setting, you should be
> > good to go even for downloading an .iso file.
> >
> > Civileme
> Check the size of /var/log.  It could be your log files are filling root.
> Brian

eeehhh... Brian, he noted that ""/" filesystem is everything but /var and 
/usr" so /var is not part of the / partition, and so not that part of the 

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